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i think our dog has mites shes continuously scratching she has littlt hives on her back and her skin going really scabby plus scratching her ears alot until they bleed wats the best treatment for this ps abit awkward to take to vets ....this is a working dog

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i think our dog has mites shes continuously scratching she has littlt hives on her back and her skin going really scabby plus scratching her ears alot until they bleed wats the best treatment for this ps abit awkward to take to vets ....this is a working dog

ivemectin,benzol benzoate or any other mite traetment, earmite use canural or thornit powder
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thanks for that mate where would i get this treatment from

im sure if you ask on here someone near to you will be able to help :thumbs: earmite stuff is available at any petshop, the other stuff on the net or a friendly farmer
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An alternative if its not improving is an allergic reaction, is it a youngster? the ears are just a continuation of the skin and often flares in an allergic reaction more than less sensitive areas along with the face.

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