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Hi guys. I just get new permission and visiting it recently I have seen a couple of pheasants.

Can you legally shoot them if you have landowner's permission? They are wild pheasants or perhaps they made a runner from nearby farms.


And another question: is pheasant suitable quarry for sub-12ft/lbl air rifle?

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  On 09/06/2012 at 08:42, MarcFloyd said:

Thanks guys. Secretagentmole, are you using sub 12 rifle to shoot them?


Yes HW100, shooting either in the field or at roost! Most shot at roost. Head shot, much better than one of those spray and pray shot guns! Only one bit of lead in the pheasant and in a bit I do not eat too!

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Cant wait till they're in season. Have one on my permission, big obnoxious b*****d making a ton of noise wherever he goes. Sits on a big pile of woodchippings watching the world go by, I swear he knows he's out of season!

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true story this, i shot one at 90yrds in the chest, front on with a 17hmr. it took off and flew right at me, i thought i had missed it, then fell out of the sky at my feet, when i picked it up there was no insides left in it :icon_eek:

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I mind a mate shooting them off a wall with his rimmy he got two and a half quid each at the game dealers that will tell you how many years ago that was

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