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I dont know what shows lack but I can tell you what makes a good show ...totally unbiast judges ,good raffle prizes and show prizes ,no alcohol,decent grub ,an announcer with a bit of craic (like old

shows lack ,allround things for lurcher s to try like they used to have high jump simulated racing, obeidence trails , fetching walk at heel , sit stay , hunting oriented things , usd to be good crack

The organisers could just not bother and then all the people that Whinge about the shows can come on and whinge about not having any shows to go to, or God forbid offer to volunteer to help and keep t

4 rings is chaos moll first you need to find 4 judges year after year, but what if you keep a ruff and smooth lurcher? And or a Lakie and a borde, itr would be hard to watch.

totally agree 2 rings and finding two decent judges year after year is hard enough!!! finding 4WOULD be a doddle but finding 4 unbiased experienced judges is not a doddle!!!! Edited by terrier.2
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Shows get taken far too serious. I enjoy going for a look and to see what people I meet from

Off here. There's a lot of good people at them but there a few who are complete knobs.


Best show I've been to was the Selkirk show, thoroughly enjoyed it.


What would I like to see?


More for the kids. Anything. Doesn't have to be a bouncy castle or anything expensive. What about a few kids slides set up to give them a bit of something to do? Ofcourse the older kids would benefit from something like ferret racing or similar.


I've always thought about the perfect dog show:


Usual classes.

Fun classes

Stuff for the kids.

Close parking

Gundog scurry

Lurcher racing


Live music

Good stall selling kit or dog stuff

Good/whitty MC



I don't see why the lure can't be going all day. When your sat doing nothing, let the dog have a run? Why is it that it's always at the beginning and the end?


Chances to have fun runs, run your fat lab against your mates Rottweiler etc. Terriers, big dogs, small. Fat ones. Old betties pet corgi.You get the idea.


You may alreay be able to do this but your fighting to get to the lure and the MC should advertise when the 'fun runs' are etc go around asking if they will race their dogs for a laugh etc.


Gundog scurry, few hay bales and a makeshift fence. Done.


What about lure coursing too?


Think outside the box. Cater for everyone and advertise it so. A WORKING DOG SHOW FOR EVERYBODY INTERESTED IN WORKING DOGS. relaxed atmosphere, doesn't matter if you work your dogs or enjoy looking at Working dogs.



Somebody can make it happen. If all of the above was met. I'd travel anywhere for it! :thumbs:

all sounds good but you need an army of folk willing to give up their day


That's a very fair point. :thumbs:

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Well if they cant get more judges they really need to look to starting on time , You got a afternoon free take the kids a show thats supposed to start at noon finally starts at one pm or later the judge is dead slow ,your kids are bored theres nothing happen there hungry unless you take a mortgage out to feed them at a show . Your better off staying at home

My dog wont chase a lure i dont want her to running after a poly bag in the summer times no what she was got for ,never tried agility but i would before racing her .

Just need somebody to have a think when organizing there show and start on time and keep it moving

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The organisers could just not bother and then all the people that Whinge about the shows can come on and whinge about not having any shows to go to, or God forbid offer to volunteer to help and keep things running the way you want it to go. :angel:

:thumbs: great idea but will never happen .lol.
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Done it been there for years been on committees , dragged the kids out every Saturday and Sunday interests change and how i spend my cash and its no at second rate game fairs etc

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    • By AlbertJ
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