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Your dog runs a lure so it doesn't work. :laugh:


Bit of a wide judgement.


Shows should be about enjoying the day and the craic

Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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I dont know what shows lack but I can tell you what makes a good show ...totally unbiast judges ,good raffle prizes and show prizes ,no alcohol,decent grub ,an announcer with a bit of craic (like old

shows lack ,allround things for lurcher s to try like they used to have high jump simulated racing, obeidence trails , fetching walk at heel , sit stay , hunting oriented things , usd to be good crack

The organisers could just not bother and then all the people that Whinge about the shows can come on and whinge about not having any shows to go to, or God forbid offer to volunteer to help and keep t

  On 10/06/2012 at 09:47, alimac said:

To be honest I couldn't give a monkeys if a good lure chaser couldn't catch a three legged bunnie in a 10 acre field, like wise if the best of working dogs plod out the racing stalls and take a piss and curl up and go to sleep.. Surely a show day is about enjoying yourself and having a laugh at the good bad and indifferent dogs (& owners)you will no doubt see.. Theres those who take it seriously, that's there prerogative like wise those who just go to the odd one to fill in a bit of time during the summer, I for one don't really care which side of the fence folk fall on..

I'd dare bet that the biggest moaners at shows are those that have never been involved in sorting and running one, especially hunt shows,

where the budgets as small as a kids shoe string.

As a aberdonian junkie would say "surely it's all about the Craic"

Keep the ideas coming folks

Cheers Ali



Edited by alimac
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agree with moo and pocket rocket. But what makes a show for me is the people attending, if you get a good laugh and don't take yourself too seriously then its a good day. I've entered my lurcher in gundog scurries before, just for a laugh. She got the worst time of the day once for acting like she was on a racetrack, but everyone got.a laugh and it was all good. People being rude about other folks dogs (or children) just spoils it for everyone. Both kirkcaldy and selkirk were excellent this year.


I'm intrigued by the idea of jumping competitions.


More stuff for kids is always a hit of course. Maybe some fun classes for them too?


But it always comes down to the people attending. If you don't like the idea of showing dogs, then don't go just to spoil it for everyone else.

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We are just back from the Grampian fair where we ran a FUN terrier and Lurcher show judged by some of the cast of Emmerdale. Cheating was allowed Bribery was positivelly Encouraged! Natalie and Tony( Moira and Bob) were looking for different things Moira was looking for cute kids and Bob was looking for Cleavage. The main ring was solid my old man kept the crowd going as we got the charity boxes passed round and Filled up Inspire was the featured charity but everybody had a Laugh and all the entries got a rossette a Cream egg and a Lolly the Kids loved it and so did the adults. We've had wife carrying races ( a cops wife ended up with a broken arm ) Ferret Roullette /Ferret racing Terrier racing We had Farmers wives chasing the Fox tail at the EK show four years ago BUT we do'nt have enough youngsters coming through the clubs to keep up the volunteer numbers we require and after spending time money and effort putting on a show for other people you go on the computer and find out that your show was S**te and this from someone who has never been at your show you tend to lose the will to live.

Edited by events co-ordinator
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Best show I was ever at was a good few years ago Perth The Famous Grouse Carriage Driving on the sight of the now Scone Game Fair was a Scottish Jack Russel Terrier club show. Grouse gave the organisers hundreds of miniatures and everyone who showed a dog got some every body ended up pished. There were some good shows back then lots of camaraderie and working dogs were in the majority. You could go to a game fair and get stuff for field sports at a good price, Jesus I went to Glames last year and told my boy that I would get him some purse nets found a stall with half a dozen for sale. The burgers were good value for money back then. The best class I saw at a terrier show was the judges discretion, terrier the judge would most like to take home. Costs a fortune to get into one of these game fairs if you go with a family you will need in excess of £100. Not enough characters nowadays. Jock Reid, Bill Brightmore were people of great interest. Sorry if I board you with the good old days when terriers could work all British quarry legaly.

Edited by old fart
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We find Scone a good day out, for all of us (including a 3 and a 5 year old) Yup, some things cost a few £, but what doesn't now a'days. Not a golfer or a football freak, and look at what that can cost these people every other week. Due to work I can only catch Scone every 2nd year, with Moy in between. We make this our 'holidays' as I work overseas and when I'm home, I really couldn't care less what happens beyond our own gate. Don't relish the thought of carting bag fulls of stuff on a plane with the daughters for a few Hrs / weeks! Maybe lucky, but our kids are delighted with the variety they get to see / try at these events.


The lack of 'youngsters' coming up to replace the older folk is not only down to them being lazy (Although a lot are) but like so many other things, they cannot afford a huge outlay beyond paying for their fuel to run back n fore to their work, and maybe give their folks a few ££ for their diggs. They may be saving to buy a house, and God help them with that up round our way!!


How do youngsters get involved with these things anyway? I wouldn't know who to approach to offer my services either? You don't often see signs up asking for assistance / participation / 'Free Entry to Show' tickets if you help us etc.etc.


Maybe that's my answer to the original question, Shows are lacking recruitment for the future!


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shows are lacking recruitment , as the people who no how to run a working dog show , doing a bit of everything , for a working lurcher , probaly saw it and wore the tee shirt , we used to do main ring stuff at chatsworth showing people dogs fetching chaseing rabbit dummys , just general lurcher working dogs stuff , used to a demo two dogs chaseing a fox tail stopped one with wistle one with vioce , a good crack , as the same dogs wou;d catch whatever , i dont no if there enough working lurchers or lurchers now to have big shows like lambourn lowther chatsworth in scotland , scone would be the venue , as its already established, but are they intrested in running dogs in general , to have a proper big show you have to have decent [prizes paid helpers , maybe for the winner a days rabbiting etc or lamping ,t would be fun as would get mates from down south to judge som e of the events but are there enough people about now who can train a dog to do more than walk round a ring or run the lure , its hard to get some to walk there dogs never mind train them a bit all the best eighties to mid ninties was the prime time for the lurchers etc

Edited by BLACKWATER...
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  On 10/06/2012 at 07:55, BLACKWATER... said:

very true sky cat when you see dogs with not a mark, running lures if it was there last supper ,never went to a show for over 13 years ,been to several over the last few years ,for a day out a bit of bartering ,never had a dog getting exited over a lure ,some take the racing more serous than actaul working a dog and lots dont no much about working a dog, i support the hunts even thp they are not into lurchers etc running dogs we used to go to new market many years ago was a good sho had obeidence proper racing three hundred yards lal hardy, stat staiton stag carter i met and several other lercher men as they speak down that way ,as for the younger generaitin most coulndnt train a dog ,just the way it is ,shows are made up of nowadays racing dogs, serous showing, a few rescues , and a few genuine working dogs , but far cry when it was all working dogs and racing was fun showing was fuv had a run off there with stag three times at the obeidence to get to the rabbiting thing at blair gowrie with a young dog i had, was good crack, not so much now nothing to test a dog at a show apart from running a rag for 100 yards

have to agree it should be 300 -400m but would say dogs with very high drives and confident do well its a bit of fun
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My old mans dog Rory won the best Russell dog at Scone at he carriage driving show old fart was talking about his mates Macky/ Jnr and Kenny McLeod took the terriers up and entered them My old man never found out about all the Whisky he'd won till someone said to him at the next show What did you do with the whisky you won at Scone all my old man received when they came home was the rossettes and trophy :laugh:

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  On 10/06/2012 at 09:22, Blue Pocket Rocket said:

Your dog runs a lure so it doesn't work. :laugh:


Bit of a wide judgement.


Shows should be about enjoying the day and the craic

usually hear that from people wth slow dogs lol its straight line speed as you say a bit of fun but admit like seeing my big heavy alaunt cross run he loves it so why not
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Whin your contradicting yourself, slagging racing/simulating then saying you done it lol basically saying there's only one way to test a dog then giving examples of how to do it lol saying the dogs won't do this or that cos its fake etc then saying you done a display with fox tails etc.

In my eyes anybody participating in promoting a fieldsport or event is good.


I have nothing against people racing dogs, but when I stand from a distance and watch 40 lurchers barking the place down I can only think of all the bad habits they would be picking up all the time and training that gos in to a dog to watch it stand and bark constantly would make me consider my sanity lol. my dads had greyhounds all my life a big part of me growing up was took up with walking looking after and going to the track and I know how easy injurys can happen on a wide sand track at night. So I would say that unschooled dogs running on grass with ground like a rock in the middle of a baking hot summers day is madness but if that's what someone choses to do that's up to them I wouldn't slag them for it it's what they like doing and as long as their dogs are in good nick and looked after then that's up to them, just personally it's not for me.

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grant read between the lines there more to a dog than a show or running in a strait line it was to show the general public the versatility of a lurcher an d promote them ps neither dogs i used in the ring were screamers as the only run in jest ,for abit fun ,,but lets the general public see what they do for farmers gamekeepers this is before the ban , there lots of ways to test a dog done most of them , at one time or another ,used to go into scurrys , feild trails local coursing comps , obeidence , etc if youve done agood bit with dogs youlle see were im coming from

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