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air tank questions

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Hi all - hoping someone can help as this question has recently come up at the local rifle club...


What (exactly) are the rules regarding testing of air tanks?


Some information has come to light that an air tank that doesn't have a specific type of valve on it (which identifies it as a non-submersible tank used for refilling air guns) has to be tested as if it were a submersible tank - i.e. every 2.5years.


A tank which does have this specific valve has to be tested every 5 years.


If this is true, what is the name of this valve and how much does it cost to have it fitted to an existing tank?


Finally, what is the lifetime of a tank? Rumour has it that its 20 years max?


Bound to be someone on here that knows these answers...? :)

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If Sold as a Air Gun Bottle - it will most probably have a MDE Air Gun Head

Can not be used in Water


Test period is Five Years


If it has a Din or A Clamp - it's every Two years as Can be used in Water


Well worth buying the Air Gun Head Longer Test Period and Far Safer


There are very few Air Bottle Test Centres and Cost ride each year


Depends if done in house or sent off - Normally from £40 -£60. plus



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Internal tests every5 years, visual tests every 2.5 years that's when I have mine done. I don't have the valves for water I have the ones which are for surface use only and you still need to have a visual test every 2.5 years.

Edited by Pelletpower
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No you do not Pellet Power, that is a load of rubbish. Cylinders with Surface use only valves are tested by Hydro every 5 years only! You are being ripped off! I know, as I have a friend who shoots an S410, runs a diving school, charges and services air cylinders and builds the damned hydro test machines. You are being ripped off or have a diving valve on your cylinder!

Edited by secretagentmole
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OK, here are the two bottles in question, each of which has a different valve. Tank1 is pretty new, tank2 we have no history on.





Can anyone identify what kind of valve they have and therefore how often we need to have the charged?



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