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decent guns around 350?

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Hello mate


Yes there are plenty of "decent" guns out there for that type of money.


You could get a top end springer, but if you want a pcp you will have to save a bit more I think.


If it was me in the market for a rifle for that kind of money I would be looking at weihrauch, all the HW range is very good, get yourself down your local gun shop and try a few out and see which one feels the best to you.


let us no how you get on. :thumbs:



Edited by 77 si
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Aye plenty of fabulous brand new springers (HW80, HW95 even TX200 if you know where to look) for that money, and some second hand pcps. There are two prosports for £375 on here. I'm sure one may be knocked down to £350 cash f2f.

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depends on what you want, if new then your looking the springer route, if you will consider used then you can get a bloody good pcp for this money, s200 or s400 is within this price range, and should come with a scope for that money (quality of scope mite a little suss tho), only thing you need to think about if going the pcp route is filling the gun, pumps or bottles cost more, as an example a mate of mine has an s400 for sale, walnut stock, bloody thing is pinpoint accurate with crossman premier heavy pellets and would probably take £250 for it, am tempted to get it myself but allready got 5 rifles

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Kind of agree with flow with his last statement. I've always had spring rifles but in feb I traded my lovely tx200 for a BSA superten in mint condition as I wanted to try out the pcp hype. Got to say in seriously considering selling it and going back to spring as the rifle is so accurate it's boring to shoot. It's just point and click. I even took the most ridiculous shot recently holding the rifle pretty much in one hand due to my awkward angle and still hit the dead zone. Try that with a springer and you'll never hit your target.


Couple that with the attached bipod and you can shoot with no effort or skill. The only benefit I see owning it, is it has multi shot so you don't need to keep cocking it like a springer. I would always recommend a springer! Don't get me wrong I rate my superten as one of the all time greats but it does become boring at times! Don't know if anyone else would agree but when you dispatch pests with a springer you just can't beat that feeling of achievement.

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I second Mawders. My tx is a permanent member of my arsenal. The pcp is for night vision/scope cam as well as being just that bit quieter. Multishot does allow you to maintain your shooting position reloading but its rarely i get two consecutive quick fire opportunities to require it.

Get a springer. Practice practice practice until you've mastered the shooting disciplines, then if you choose. Get a pcp. But keep the springer or you'll develop appalling habits like gunslinger Mawders Haha!


One handed Mawders! I'm officially disgusted.

Edited by milegajo
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  On 08/06/2012 at 17:42, Skot Ruthless Teale said:

mawders vs milegajo.. duel!!


back to back. 30 paces... swizzle the gun around by the trigger guard with 1 finger and then boom see who wiins LOL :laugh:


Seems a bit unfair, Mawders has been practicing ;)

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