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First rifle set up, thinking CZ's.

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  On 21/06/2012 at 19:04, reeking rabbits said:

Thanks for the comments guys, ended up getting a pair of CZ 452 styles, Lower one has the 16'' barrel in .22 with sak mod and bushnell 3-9x40 and the one above is the 22'' barrel in .17HMR with A-tec mod, harris bipod and nikko sterling nighteater 4-16x50




Had the .22 out, i've found it to be a really nice accurate rifle, cant wait to zero in the HMR this weekend!



Have they had trigger kits fitted to them?, if not get them fitted. They don't cost very much and make soooooo much difference to how they shoot. The other thing i did with my 452's was make sure the barrels were floating well. On my 22lr a note would catch half way down and on the HMR if i hit the stock, the bit under the barrel, with the palm of my hand it would touch the barrel. Bit of sanding with the Dremel and it was sorted.
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I actually didn't find the trigger on the 22 bad but I have read the trigger kit makes a big difference so i probably will fit one at some point, what kit did you fit? Did you have accuracy problems hence checked the clearance on the barrel, my one seems to be spot on but I'll check them next time I'm out.

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i bought a cz 452 17 and a cheap nikko sterling scope shoots as good as my mates sako quad which costs twice as much and can match the shots at distance with the so called cheap scope,think it all depends on personal preference you can get sucked into the money side big time like you can with any other hobbie or sport!

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  On 24/06/2012 at 17:13, reeking rabbits said:

Yeah I know what you mean, had both the rifles out yesterday and I'm very happy with both of them, so happy days... Not good news for the rabbits though!

If you are happy with the triggers that's good. But when i got both of my 452's i, like many others, found it a little heavy. With the trigger kits fitted they are both now so much nicer to shoot. If you go on Youtube you can see the kit being fitted by some one. Forget the name but it's on there Also check out the '452 floating barrel' video....interesting....: )
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  On 26/06/2012 at 20:17, The Duncan said:

funny how theres no trigger kit for the weihrauch


Considering the weihrauch hw60j is double the price of the CZ's i'd hope they'd have a better finish/more refined features then a CZ (i.e better trigger) to justify the extra cost :victory:. I was on a strict budget and no way could i afford £1300 for a .22 and HMR before adding scopes, rings etc.. After putting 30 odd rounds through the HMR i will be fitting a trigger kit, from what i've heard this should improve the trigger a lot.. maybe even to the standard of a hw60j?!? I still managed a 1.5" group at 100m tonight, that's me only ever fired 30 HMR rounds in my life time! hopefully that will improve with practice or even with the £15 trigger kit.

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Could do RR. My own venerable (but admittedly expensive) rifle cloverleafs out to 125m. Trigger? Heavy varmint barrel? Action assembly? Not sure.

If you get on with CZ, they are a good make. I didn't so went back to my roots. As long as you enjoy it, thats the main thing.





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