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nervous spriger

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hi guys some advice needed just bought a 13 month old springer bitch,the guy i bought it of told me she was doing the basics but he wanted to go into field trailing with labs and hadnt got the time to take her out in the field anymore,so when i brought her out to do a few dummy retrieves she done everything i ask of her,but [bANNED TEXT] she sees another dog,or cow she gets relly nervous and just lays down or runs behind me and as i want her for the field will i be able to get this out of her or is their anything i can give her to help with the nerves.

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hi guys some advice needed just bought a 13 month old springer bitch,the guy i bought it of told me she was doing the basics but he wanted to go into field trailing with labs and hadnt got the time to take her out in the field anymore,so when i brought her out to do a few dummy retrieves she done everything i ask of her,but [bANNED TEXT] she sees another dog,or cow she gets relly nervous and just lays down or runs behind me and as i want her for the field will i be able to get this out of her or is their anything i can give her to help with the nerves.

yes repertition and fermiliarization :thumbs: excuse the spelling
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i have a bitch who was like yours howled and cowerd away from owt strange i just kept calm and gently talked and reasured her and made sure she met with plenty of other dogs and people she can still be timid but when out hunting she takes no notice of other dogs people or stock she get on with her work ps is a spiger across between a springer and a tiger :tongue2: sorry just pulling you leg take your time and you'l get there

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It may be that she was never taken to different places and mixed with other animal from an early age, i have one like it but he's only 4 months, I'm taking mind a walk up town when the market is on and into every shop i can. You could try taking her to training classes to mix with other dogs and try using tip bites when she does what you want her to do.

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hi guys some advice needed just bought a 13 month old springer bitch,the guy i bought it of told me she was doing the basics but he wanted to go into field trailing with labs and hadnt got the time to take her out in the field anymore,so when i brought her out to do a few dummy retrieves she done everything i ask of her,but [bANNED TEXT] she sees another dog,or cow she gets relly nervous and just lays down or runs behind me and as i want her for the field will i be able to get this out of her or is their anything i can give her to help with the nerves.

Bud the sight of strange objects cows or people trigger her instinct, its how prey animals operate and the only time we see a lot of animals we dont normally see is when they are hungry, hunger overcomes fear,

i would treat her the same way , if you can get her to feed in the presents of strange things she can overcome fear,


fear is all about balance its all in the dogs head, thats also why she lays down in or around you, you are her grounding point,

hunger is all in the gut, getting her to reference her gut by way of hunger means she will have to overcome fear, its like a scales one goes up and the other has to come down,

a dog cant muilty task, she can only hold one term of reference at any one time her head or her stomach, its giving her a gut feeling that these objects or not really that terrifying if she will take food in there vicinity,


its the same as when you leave a sensitive dog in boarding , he is completely out of his comfort zone and very much instinct based, fear based, and will generally lose weight rapid all because he cant reference his gut


i would set up situations where you will encounter strange things and only feed then but make sure she is very hungry first,


also if she is ball driven, set up a situation where when you encounter something it stimulates drive, when a dog is in drive he is in harmony with his environment and everything in it,

she will need to be hungry for her to get the best of the encounter too,

best of luck with it, it wont happen over night, if she is a driven little thing, use it make her work for her food by overcoming fear, its how mother nature decrees it should be , its the way of the wild,

Edited by Casso
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