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Early morning fox's

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These two were taken early morning over the border the first just as we arived on the ground ,he spoted us and made its way to the forestry but made the mistake of takeing one last look and down he went the second was spoted with the bins he was in long white grass hunting mice couldnt get a clear shot so stalked to a beter shooting point,after about ten mins he presented himself with a head/neck shot and down he went end of the mouse hunt shot at a close range of 84 yds ,i think these are the scrufiest fox's that i have shot and the one on the right looked like it was geting over mange (two dog foxs)

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Guest gypo joe

I shot myself but i only do the foxes in the same season

as the terrier lads September to march ,

i am by no means getting at you but surly even a fox

which IMO is a very sporting animal deserves a bit of

a respite,i do know poults ect a due soon but how many

(except keepers) can HONESTLY say they are doing it

to protect game i find more and more are treating

it simply a bit of target practice

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I shot myself but i only do the foxes in the same season

as the terrier lads September to march ,

i am by no means getting at you but surly even a fox

which IMO is a very sporting animal deserves a bit of

a respite,i do know poults ect a due soon but how many

(except keepers) can HONESTLY say they are doing it

to protect game i find more and more are treating

it simply a bit of target practice

Every one is entitled to there views joe and i dont condem you for this but if it was target practice i was after then the cubs that were also seen that morning in another area of the moor would have been shot as well and when a farmer feels a bit uncomfortable at the amount of fox's he is seeing and wants something done then i feel obliged to grant his request otherwise i am sure he would find someone else willing to do it

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[Every one is entitled to there views joe and i dont condem you for this but if it was target practice i was after then the cubs that were also seen that morning in another area of the moor would have been shot as well and when a farmer feels a bit uncomfortable at the amount of fox's he is seeing and wants something done then i feel obliged to grant his request otherwise i am sure he would find someone else willing to do it



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