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best age to start working your lurcher?

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:signthankspin: thanks for all the advice, i have friends who all have older lurchers and i was planning to take her out with them ferreting just for her to watch and maybe learn from the others and get her familiar with rabbits around 7/8months, good idea?


she's a saluki/Bull Greyhound, coming up to 12weeks old working on the obedience training, little bit ignorant on the recall when she's off the lead (making more progress each day though) but apart from that she's turning out to be great bitch cant express enough how happy i am with her cant wait for the future!!

was thinking due to the bull and being a bit stocky she's going to be a bit slow but really impressed with her speed already when she opens her legs playing with my mates bitch puppy. :good:

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Nobody ever f****d a dog up by waiting, but quiet a few f****d one by starting too soon.....myself included.

As you are obviously unsure about when to start a pup i would say,concentrate on the dogs training,stock breaking and fitness.Forget about entering the dog until its 14 month old,this way the dog will

Someone once said to me...   No one has ever ruined a dog by starting it too late. Plenty ruined by starting to early.   6 months? Feck that.

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dont rush her and dont let her run flat out with oher pups collisions will or can do some damage ,let her be a pup for gods sake little and often when training if she gets bored stop and try again later ,if she does something good plenty of praise and if she fuxks up on something go back to what she does well and then praise and put her away,dont shout and get her nervous ,

when schooling again lttle and often and sucess is most important ie mixi rabbit or a netted bunny or a bunny whats got out of the net by accident (know what i mean)

they are not pups long so enjoy her dont waste her

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what age to start coursing properly daytime then? i was told to leave my pup to be a pup and run the longears between 12 and 18 month?


On the long ears I used to wait till they were 18 months but held the deerhound crosses back a bit longer :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

6 months with a bitch as they will be at the best they will be at 9 months a dog much later


Am I reading this correctly ???? "A bitch will be at it's best at 9 month" ??? Give over, mate !!! LOL !!!



bless.. ready for breeding then!!! :laugh:
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mate get the bond/training done first recall/retrieve/stay/stand/down then get it out in the woods round fences and as many dangers as you can find before the dog gets its full speed , then get it out on the lamp with the dummy from about 7 month 9 month get it round some game on a day time 11 month look to start it out on the lamp on live game, do not do full night lamping untill its growth plate have gone

little and often

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I must be impatient :laugh: i take mine out as soon as they have had there jabs they sit and watch in the 4x4 while older dogs run they are allowed out when older dog's have caught, when i walk on the lamp they are on a lead watching while an older dog run's i like to keep them going through the motions either watching the lamp getting in a motor prior to going out i like them to know when they get out of a motor in a field something is there etc etc and depending on the dog i will run them from 6 mths onwards and progress on runs and quarry and judge the dogs maturity how fast or slow it is allowed to progress,i prefer the on the job training approach and couldnt sit on a pup till it was 14 to 16mths before entering :thumbs:

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i have a few lurchers, and a few terriers, and as soon as the pup is jabbed he is out with the pack none stop, ive known some of my dogs not want to run anything until 10 month, i dont push them on, if a rabbit gets up its there choice, i have a saluki greyhound on atm and he has only started showing intrest at 10 month :victory:

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  • 4 months later...

i have a 6 month saluki greyhound bitch. needs a bit more work on the recall but spot on everythink eles. i have been taking her out [bANNED TEXT] my m8ts dog and she seems really keen 2 start. let her slip onces and she chased. will it be ok 2 slip her on a few more easy ones

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got a bitch that i bred back of a friend all that was done with her up untill 18mths she was just walked up the roads well i i gave her 3 hunts backend of last season to get her started then she came into season and the hunting season was over so seen nothing to this season well she is 2 now and she chasing all right but sometimes when in the course u can see her when pulling up in to the big rabs u can notice her holding back as if she just does not no what to do with them so i doulbe her up with one of my other dogs to get her teeth into a couple try and bring her on wat yours opioion on her do u think she was left to long or is there still plenty of time

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I did a comparison, had two pups from the same litter, started taking one out from when it was a pup, used it under the spotlight at 8 months old and ran it with another dog, i left the other one till 13 months, had her out at 10 months once for a light night under the beam. The differences were the one I started younger doesn't jump every fence because at a younger age it got hurt, it barks behind hares if it's struggling, but it's really obedient out in the field. the one I started later jumps everything, doesn't have any bad habits but is a bit harder to call back etc.

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Is that probably because you've spent longer bonding with the younger one?


So maybe holding back is the key, but still spend as much time as possible out and about socialising off lead etc?






Yeah that's probably right! Still I know I'll never start one early again, the one I started later is starting to become more obedient in the feel. in saying all this both of them are only 16 months old

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