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Hi i wondered if any one could please give me some advice ? I am looking for a new camera, now i am a complete novice when it comes to photography. And i am basically looking for a new camera to take out lamping/ferreting ect. I would prefer a digital, now are all camera,s digital these days :blink: ??? I would be looking for something with a really good zoom and also the ability to take action shots, dogs running ect ? And the camera would have to be idiot proof :blink: LOL. As regards to taking action shots, should the camera when you shoot take lots of shots and then you look through them for your best shot or do you pray and take just the one shot and hope you have captured the right moment/shot ? You will have to bear with my maybe daft questions as i said before i am a complete novice and don't have a clue regards cameras. Cost wise shouldn't be a problem to much but obviously i don't want to spend an arm and a leg to risk getting it damaged when out and about with the general ruff and tumble of dog work. Also something as compact as possible. If any one can recommend a camera and price or any general info or advice on getting one and taking action shots at night that would be great. :thumbs: Cheers Atb

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Cheers just been looking on net, do you think a super zoom compact or DSLR would be better ? Am not after becoming the next David Baily just want to get some shots of my own dogs grafting for home use. :thumbs: Cheers Atb

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Cheers just been looking on net, do you think a super zoom compact or DSLR would be better ? Am not after becoming the next David Baily just want to get some shots of my own dogs grafting for home use. :thumbs: Cheers Atb

i went for a second hand dslr will do all the compact can do and far more :thumbs:
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you would need a DSLR. they have idiot modes for all the above things. and have the option to take it a step further. secondhand would probably suit you to start.

:laugh: not good enough to sort me out they dont :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Or a " bridge" camera.......a combination of the two


Not as technical as a dslr but more user optiobs than a compact


That's what I'll probably get... eventually :laugh:


Cheers, D.

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