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permission on council property

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council down my way dont give fook all away .i asked about a plot next door to me for keeping hens on ,and was told no as it means erecteing a pen .on unused land but when i asked about a tree knocking out our day light they didnt know who the land belong to so over went the tree same as up will go a chicken pen .

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council down my way dont give fook all away .i asked about a plot next door to me for keeping hens on ,and was told no as it means erecteing a pen .on unused land but when i asked about a tree knocking out our day light they didnt know who the land belong to so over went the tree same as up will go a chicken pen .


Keep it quiet for a few years and tend it, then you can claim it as your own and add it to your property :thumbs:

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council down my way dont give fook all away .i asked about a plot next door to me for keeping hens on ,and was told no as it means erecteing a pen .on unused land but when i asked about a tree knocking out our day light they didnt know who the land belong to so over went the tree same as up will go a chicken pen .

I know of a piece of land in highgate london that is owned by nobody .it has become a piece of road but no one ownes it.
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