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locator -- how much

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hi - i,m buying a mk 1 ferret locator and collar off a mate , its the old grey square box type , it works , bit scruffy though :laugh: .

how much do these sell for .


£50 - £120 depending on what day it is.


have a look at some Ebay auctions to get an idea.

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£50 - £120 depending on what day it is.


have a look at some Ebay auctions to get an idea.


Completely agree the price varies enormously for no apparent reason.


I would say £65 to £85 is reasonable.

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Completely agree the price varies enormously for no apparent reason.



true mate, but with some you get 1 collar, somtimes 2+. i bought a 15 foot finder with a collar and loads of spare batterys, came in a nice case and the locator had its own cover B), 120 quid ic p+p. different people sell different items :victory: :thumbs-up: shop around :D





devvo :drink:

Edited by devvo
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Got a MK 1 on ebay 3 yrs ago...£65.Has been really good.Simple and basic a a bit like me as I dont want loads of technology just a abit of help when ferrets are down too long.

Field craft should always be your best tool!


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