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Google dropped a round hairy spherical object...

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Google mapped the area round the permission expansion and it pinpointed the livery yard behind the expansion. Rang it up, explained who I was, what I would be doing, when etc, asked to drop in. Get to permission, sign to office is in opposite direction to permission. Call in at livery yard, introduce myself to nice person I spoke to on phone, dry fire the HW100 to demonstrate noise level, get ambushed by fuss seeking ponies, get permission to shoot the paddocks, ask her if it would be OK today, was told sorry but afternoon full of rider training so prefer not, taht is ok I reply, how about the paddocks behind the wheat field near the road. Oh those are not mine, they belong to someone else!


So by trying to be good I have got another permission!

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Sorry Davy, things have got a bit pear shaped with the mother in law. She has got heart valve failure and has been told she is too weak to have an operation to repair it! So all is not well (looking at getting her a Blackpool dragster to get around on, honestly in her eighties thin as a rake and having to have one of those)!

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Sorry Davy, things have got a bit pear shaped with the mother in law. She has got heart valve failure and has been told she is too weak to have an operation to repair it! So all is not well (looking at getting her a Blackpool dragster to get around on, honestly in her eighties thin as a rake and having to have one of those)!


My Mother in law is in her seventies...

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