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The mystery fields.

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Decided today to try and find out who the owners are of the fields were I take the dogs for a bit of exercise there planted with crops and there are plenty rabbits munching them so of I went the smorning with the lurcher in tow to try and find who owned them.

So after 2 hours pottering about asking people and knocking on a few doors I'm still none the wiser no one seems to know who the owners are at least the dog had a bit exercise and picked a couple of young rabbits up to feed the stinkers. So the mystery continues I'll be back out next weekend when I'm off work trying to track them down.

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Decided today to try and find out who the owners are of the fields were I take the dogs for a bit of exercise there planted with crops and there are plenty rabbits munching them so of I went the smorning with the lurcher in tow to try and find who owned them.

So after 2 hours pottering about asking people and knocking on a few doors I'm still none the wiser no one seems to know who the owners are at least the dog had a bit exercise and picked a couple of young rabbits up to feed the stinkers. So the mystery continues I'll be back out next weekend when I'm off work trying to track them down.

try land registry website

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Phone call made permission granted only bad thing wants me to start ferreting now hate ferreting at this time of year but supposed it has to be done.

Went to my local boozer for a pint and a lad asked if I would go to Birmingham and sort what he says is a rabbit infestation out.

Long way to travel for a bit ferreting.

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