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This is vermin control

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Hi chap's.. here's a few pic's of more vermin control :thumbs:


Here's a mole, rabbit, & 3 magpie's cought earlyer today




Here's the 3 dispached magpie's from the larson trap..Iv had almost 30 in the last week or so




Marty :victory:

Edited by Probuk
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Good idea Tony..vermin control isnt just about knocking a few rabbits and bird's of with the air rifle and i know your very keen by your profile.  Heres a site well worth a look for learning mole cat

Nothing like taking another mans livlehood

Very easy Tony..the trick is to move the larson where you keep seeing the bird's and soon enough youll get your first bird.


I use the same bird for a while then after a few day's il replace it with a fresh bird. Iv just replaced my call bird today as the previouse was starting to get wise to me opening the trap and kept trying to escape. Id had him about a week but he was fine and heathy and had got use to me coming and going.


The mistake is to leave the trap in the same place...Keep moveing it and youll just keep catching them. The first time the trap fails after leaving it out over night i move it and i start to catch again...When the trap fail again il move it to the previouse place and start to catch bird's that wouldnt go in the last time.


Just keep moveing it and you wont go wrong.


Cathing the first bird is easy with egg's...no need for dead rabbits with gutts hanging out or anything like that.!!




Marty :victory:

Edited by Probuk
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Very intersting :yes:


I'm going to follow your lead and het some Mole traps to begin with, as the Cemy has a few problems with them and if I can noble the paid PC out, then thats better for myself.


The larsons would be good idea on the paddock.



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Very intersting :yes:


I'm going to follow your lead and het some Mole traps to begin with, as the Cemy has a few problems with them and if I can noble the paid PC out, then thats better for myself.


The larsons would be good idea on the paddock.




Nothing like taking another mans livlehood :tongue2:

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Very intersting :yes:


I'm going to follow your lead and het some Mole traps to begin with, as the Cemy has a few problems with them and if I can noble the paid PC out, then thats better for myself.


The larsons would be good idea on the paddock.




Nothing like taking another mans livlehood :tongue2:


Why should he get paid when I dont? And he don't seem to do much of a good job at all!

Who knows maybe I can make a bit of income for myself one day :thumbs:

From small acorns do great oak trees grow? Well I need a job and something that suits me will be fine, let some other fecker be unemployed rather than me :victory:



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Very intersting :yes:


I'm going to follow your lead and het some Mole traps to begin with, as the Cemy has a few problems with them and if I can noble the paid PC out, then thats better for myself.


The larsons would be good idea on the paddock.



Good idea Tony..vermin control isnt just about knocking a few rabbits and bird's of with the air rifle and i know your very keen by your profile.


Heres a site well worth a look for learning mole catching... Type....Mole trapping at walcote Farm..


This will give you a good start...Try using Talpex or taplon trap's aswell. It's good to try a few different types of trap's.


You have to be patiant though and not give up and learn by your mistake's...dont listen to all the myths and so on and in time youl be mole catching with confidence.


Be nice to see and here how you get on :thumbs:


Marty :victory:

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Very intersting :yes:


I'm going to follow your lead and het some Mole traps to begin with, as the Cemy has a few problems with them and if I can noble the paid PC out, then thats better for myself.


The larsons would be good idea on the paddock.




Nothing like taking another mans livlehood :tongue2:


Why should he get paid when I dont? And he don't seem to do much of a good job at all!

Who knows maybe I can make a bit of income for myself one day :thumbs:

From small acorns do great oak trees grow? Well I need a job and something that suits me will be fine, let some other fecker be unemployed rather than me :victory:



Im usually Door Supervisour/security but an accident witch is requiering chest surgery stopped me...Just waiting for date for my opperation :victory:
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I used to do Close Protection work and General Security, BSIA-G&G, SIA, H&S and First Aid Fire Fighting and Containment (Humberside Fire and Rescue Service) Cert's under my belt. Was great while it lasted, after I had a breakdown Lost a number of my family, and my job things went ass over tits and I know find myself in the position I am!


So carrying on in the tradition of (security companies) ruthlessness, if I get a job and it makes some other g*nt redundant, I couldn't give a rats arse!

I've had it done to me; I didn't like it at all, but they didn't give a flying fook, so why should I?

I stopped being a DECENT human being and began watching out for myself, and my children :yes:



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I've read all of the above and i still can't see how you can catch a bird that goes by the name of "Larsen"?






:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:


It's in their fake Passports; spot em a mile off :yes::p

Edited by Phantom
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I used to do Close Protection work and General Security, BSIA-G&G, SIA, H&S and First Aid Fire Fighting and Containment (Humberside Fire and Rescue Service) Cert's under my belt. Was great while it lasted, after I had a breakdown Lost a number of my family, and my job things went ass over tits and I know find myself in the position I am!


So carrying on in the tradition of (security companies) ruthlessness, if I get a job and it makes some other g*nt redundant, I couldn't give a rats arse!

I've had it done to me; I didn't like it at all, but they didn't give a flying fook, so why should I?

I stopped being a DECENT human being and began watching out for myself, and my children :yes:



You sound decent enough to me Tony..Iv been through all that aswell..Divorce...havnt spoke to a single member of my family in 13 year's.

Been in 2 coma's due to breakdown's..dosnt make you a bad person though..more the opposit.


Infact from what Iv seen on here your a well liked & respected bloke :thumbs:


Try not to think to much into the past mate...it's tomorrow that make's all the difference :yes:



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Promise not to hit me next weekend Tony.






I won't pull the trigger if you don't cross my croshairs :laugh:


Been in 2 coma's due to breakdown's..dosnt make you a bad person though..more the opposit.


Infact from what Iv seen on here your a well liked & respected bloke :thumbs:


Try not to think to much into the past mate...it's tomorrow that make's all the difference :yes:




I agree :yes:



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