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hour at the small holding

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well thought id call up to the small holding yesterday as i had some spare time whilst the missus was out, after sorting a few things out i decided to have a walk up through the field to the quarry after seeing a few woodies flying about, so i sneaked up as you do trying not to spook everthing as i got into a nice position beside a tree and waited for some pigeons to land on the elderberry, after waiting 10 or so mins they started to re apear in pairs wishing i had the shotgun could of made my bag a little heavier so i was in position and ready as the first tucked its wings and came diving in to my range of 30 yrds got the crosshairs just at the side of the eye and smack the first one down cheerfull i got a kill i waited as there were a few more flying about, as i started to move to retrieve my kill in comes a second and lands in a sycamore tree to my left ranging at 25 yrds after slowly moving the s200 towawrds the bird and lining my shot up crack the second down was made up with my kill as it was the first id took the gun out after recently purchasing it and zero so hopfully many more kills to come cant wait to get back out just wish id of had the camera with me instead of it been at home ill know for next time cheers dan.


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