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off the mark

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well i didnt think i was going to get out at all this afternoon, then the clouds thinned and the rain eased a little, so i threw my gear in the car, and made the 30 min drive to my permission.

on arrival i got myself sorted out, and slowley walked round the building towards the back lawn and woods. as i rounded the building i saw 2 rabbits on the far edge of the lawn feeding. thing is they also saw me, and hopped a few meters further away. i got a little closer, then kneeled down, and pulled the legs of the bi-pod out. a quick check with the lrf told me it was bang on 30yrds, dead on zero. as i was getting down, (not dancing) to take the shot, one of the rabbits decided something wasnt quite right and disapeared. this left just the dark grey rabbit. anyway i got comfy and let the shot off. bingo. first retreivable kill to the new ks. there is quite a few black rabbits around this permission. they seem jet black when they are kits, then turn lighter as they get older.

anyway on to the wood, to look for the squirrels. i sat down up against a tree waiting for them to come out after the rain. i sat for a couple of hours and started to nod off. i was about to call it a day, when i thought id have a move and sit for another 10/15 mins. i got into another productive spot and waited for 5 mins, and i saw a small squirrel making its way along a branch. it stopped but all i could see was its tail and 1 ear. i raised the the rifle, and looked through the scope. it had turned round, and was sat more upright, and was offering me a perfect shot, that was gladly taken and the young squirrel was cleanly dispattched. i picked him up and took a couple of pics, and decided to call it a day, because i have to keep the leader of the opposition sweet, as i had promised to take her out for a meal this evening. so its now nearly t-bone steak o clock and i better have 2 lengths of the bath and get changed, otherwise she will be gurning at me.

will post pics later [bANNED TEXT] i get back.

thanks for reading guys. :thumbs:

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That's right Mole. I hear those Gertrudes you have slowly poison and grip the mind until it is you who serve them. Vors prung durch techniche an all that...


Nice one Paulk73. 30mins to your permission! Gees!

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I never used to like Hw100s but they are growing on my big time fairplay, that looks mint condition aswell...if I was to ever get rid of my huntsman,that I won't, it would have to be one of these. They look compact as feck,only thing is ..everyone got one lol atb

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