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Vac Hob and Jill Jab

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Am still newish to owning ferrets compared to most of you,in my short time of owning ferrets am starting to wonder what is really best for taking jills out of season...a vac hob or the jill jab? Last season i only had the one jill,had the jill jab and that was it.she didnt come back into season.


After reading posts from a few members i thought it would be better to get the hob vac to sort 5 jills instead of jill jab...


After seeing to the 5 jills and taking them out of season the jills,are back in season again..The hob has lost alot of weight from before,now will be the same again..Also same jill from before got abit of scabing on neck has got it abit worse this time.


So forget about how much it will cost for a jill jab one,twice or over the years...What really is the best option? So far ive one hob get skinny as f**k,one jill marked to f**k,and they all come back into season again...Surly the jill jab has to be the better option???

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Nope. Not in my opinion.

I lost a Jill after the jab years ago and swore never again. Surely it`s more natural for the Hob to do it rather than pump them full of hormones.

Remember, this is how it`s done in the wild.


My Vac Hob stays in all year with the jills, Yes it`s harsh, but he copes no problem (including Kittlerox`s two ferrets as well)


Your choice, but I know what I would prefer.



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They can come back in after a jab too, especially if given early in the season. Your hob will lose weight through summer anyway, you can help him out by giving some cat milk (gives more fat in his diet).

Edited by Tug
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They can come back into season after the jill jab and often do and repeated injecting can lead to hard lumps forming under the injection site and your fill them full of hormones ( see what that does to your wife )


A snipped hobs the easiest way as she thinks she mated and going to have kits but you've tricked her and the same as in nature if the kits died etc the jill will come back in but if your truly worried you can take the hob away after a set time ,to cut down on the marking ,but most of the marking is superficial anyway


A hob loosing a bit of weight is going to happen anyway all they have on there mind is mating try moving him out of sight and sound of your jills , but like a few guy's running a few jills with him all year cuts down on the problems .


But with the jills coming into season 4/5 times a season now its a big problem and i know which one i prefer

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