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Im Going to be a ..............................

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The children have been caught out by the dreaded sex bug ( im sure i had it once before i was married ) and have got them selves in a pickle .


They have to their credit , used contraception , and the morning after pill but it seemed it was to no avail .


They came and told us both , which was a shock , but we are now looking forward to the arrival of our first Grandchild .


They have settled on the name Harry , and thats the `bumps` name for the while .


My son is going to carry on at University , and we will do our upmost to help the , so they dont have to struggle like we did .


If i can be half of the Grandad and Father that my Dad is , i will die a happy man .


GrandBuster .

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GRANDAD   The children have been caught out by the dreaded sex bug ( im sure i had it once before i was married ) and have got them selves in a pickle .   They have to their credit , used contrace

Im younger than you ( you old fart ) Cheers Matty , long time no see buddy .

Well done boyo. I was a grandad at 34 !!! ffs, (that was a whole bottle of whisky that night)   it`s fekin magic, you get to do loads of shit that you thought you had left behind, Like raiding orch

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Came like a bolt out of the blue to be honest , but im getting excited now . Ive been and got some stuff to help them out , and today they said they wanted some baby monitors , so i went to babysRus and got them and while i was there i got a tiny bumble bee suit lol .

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Came like a bolt out of the blue to be honest , but im getting excited now . Ive been and got some stuff to help them out , and today they said they wanted some baby monitors , so i went to babysRus and got them and while i was there i got a tiny bumble bee suit lol .


God its so exciting , my blokes daughter had a baby 11 weeks premature , he was 2lbs 11 born & he has had a few problems but now at 5 months old he has just got to 8lbs , still tiny but at least he is thriving now


remember that you will be expected to baby sit :laugh:

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Came like a bolt out of the blue to be honest , but im getting excited now . Ive been and got some stuff to help them out , and today they said they wanted some baby monitors , so i went to babysRus and got them and while i was there i got a tiny bumble bee suit lol .


God its so exciting , my blokes daughter had a baby 11 weeks premature , he was 2lbs 11 born & he has had a few problems but now at 5 months old he has just got to 8lbs , still tiny but at least he is thriving now


remember that you will be expected to baby sit :laugh:




Its ok Kay , im easy , ill tke him out with me and have him at the rabbits by the time he`s walking .


I`ll teach him to swear and fart loud :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i cant wait .

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Came like a bolt out of the blue to be honest , but im getting excited now . Ive been and got some stuff to help them out , and today they said they wanted some baby monitors , so i went to babysRus and got them and while i was there i got a tiny bumble bee suit lol .


God its so exciting , my blokes daughter had a baby 11 weeks premature , he was 2lbs 11 born & he has had a few problems but now at 5 months old he has just got to 8lbs , still tiny but at least he is thriving now


remember that you will be expected to baby sit :laugh:




Its ok Kay , im easy , ill tke him out with me and have him at the rabbits by the time he`s walking .


I`ll teach him to swear and fart loud :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i cant wait .


yeah......... and remember ...........loads of sweets and irn bru........... then hand back............... its part of the deal!! :D

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