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lost harris hawk?


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hi every one i live in jarrow north east england /newcastle area ,was walking dog thursday andcame across two crows mobbing a harris hawk with a bell and jesses on i tried to coax it down but had no luck so if any one from this area has lost one pm me and i will give them the location that i last saw it -billy

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Billy long shot but did it look like an older male with telemetry on? I lost one in the dry dock at pallion about a year and a half to two year ago bloody thing caught a pigeon in the rafters where the cranes run and then spent a month or so eating its way through the pigeon population before it left the area. Was nine year old so would be 10 or 11 now.

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Hi I too have seen the hawk, in Jarrow, just yesterday it has a bell on, we have photos as well. I realised it must be away from home, after reading that they dont go home if they get away. I have just joined the site trying to find out if anyone has lost one, have no idea how to pm or contact you, let me know and if you have a photo send it to me and will hopefully get a match

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