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Hi all,


Not sure why i'm writing this as i know not much can bee seen from a photo but here goes anyway.

I went to a terrier and lurcher show today, we went for a look more than anything but ended up entering in one of the shows with my lurcher. The judge told me from the out set when getting the dog checked over he wouldn't be placed because he's netured and she didn't like his torn ear and few war scars :hmm: Anyway, what has worried me is that she clearly thought Clip had in the past suffered a major injury to his back legs or hips because of his gait and stance. Well i've had Clip from 4 months old and to my knowledge hasn't sufferd an injury with me, i would have thought i'd have noticed something as serious to effect his gait or stance. Maybe something could've happend in the 4 months before i got him, of that though i don't know. All i know is that this "injury" doesn't seem to hinder him running or anything but it has worried me. I think for my piece of mind i'm going to get him checked out by a greyhound physio guy i know of. I just hope i haven't done the lad some damage in my inexperience. I've added some recent pics just incase you guys might be able to tell me something from them.











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they are looking for the type of dogs that stand perfect with thier tails tucked up under thier arses its a WORKING dog show in my eyes if they want to judge show dogs go to crufts


personally i think your dog looks fine :thumbs-up:

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Your'e right there, can't see from a photo exactly what the problem might be. He does look to be soft muscled in the thigh area and over the loins but then again, he's had his testosterone equipment removed so will not muscle up to the same degree as an entire animal if he was castrated very young.

Again, difficult to tell from a pic but his spine does seem strangely prominent and slightly hunched looking over the loins. But it could just be the way he's standing.

If your'e worried get him to a greyhound back man: lurchers trap nerves in their spines quite a lot which will affect his gait. I've had dogs still running and catching with trapped nerves, their performance is just not as good as when they're 100% sound.

And as far as the scars are concerned: well its all part and parcel of being a working dog: some judges! :no:

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Thanks Skycat,


His spine has always been very prominent so it's something i've become used to but it could be due to a problem. He was castrated at about 10 months after nearly having him reclaimed by the rescue i got him from for not getting him done. It was part of the contract to get him done so it was a case of loose them or loose him and that wasn't an option for me. He's never really muscled up even after all the work i've put into him, could this be due to the problem do you think or just because he's had his nads off????

I have quite a few greyhound contacts and have just been given the number for George Drake who i've been told is good grey physio and could help if there's a problem, will give him a call and hopefully get my boy checked over.





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George Drake is definitely worth seeing: he'll tell you exactly what, if anything, is wrong with your dog, and fix it if it's fixable: I always take mine to him. He is a bit iffy about taking new people on now but if youv'e been reccomended by someone he knows there shouldn't be a problem.

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The best of luck Clip, hope its nowt too seriouse.

He looks fine to me, them judges are not worth listening to in my oinion. :no:

Keep us posted. ;)



Thanks, will keep you posted. Have come to the conclusion that the judge just didn't like the fact that he was a rescue lad and was a little to biased towards him. Still getting him checked over though just for my own piece of mind.

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you should have told her to take her head out of her arse and to stop talking shite.was it a working dog show?if it was she shouldnt have been judging it.shows are a waste of time if, i go to a show my dogs stay at home.

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Yeah it was a terrier and lurcher show, there was a class for best dog in working condition, maybe i should've entered that instead of best smooth coated lurcher. I never intended on showing him really, just got caught up in it and naturally you always think your dog is the best. Anyway, as the days have past and i've spoke to more people about it i'm a little less worried that there is something wrong, i should have nevered listened to a someone that looks for form over function. But the seed was planted so i have to get him checked now, he's booked in to see George Drake tomorrow so we should know something by the middle of tomorrow morning.


Thanks guys.



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Been to see George Drake this morning, He has discovered that Clip has some soft tissue damage to his groin area, most likely from over reaching when running. He's marked two presure points for me to massage and recomended two weeks of rest for my lad. I'm quite glad i went to that show now, even though she was way off the mark with a hip injury i'm glad the judge spotted something, i would have never spotted a problem myself.

I have bought some trainers choice liniment gel and will be starting treatment right away to get the lad back in form.



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I'm glad it wasnt anything serious mate :D

show's can be a good craic, i dont see many of the lads these days so its good to catch up at shows but some people take it far too serious, a judge is only there to give there opinion,more often than not that might not be an educated one :laugh:


stay cool B)



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