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what to use for purse net pegs?

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I use these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/15-EXTRA-HEAVY-DUTY-CAMPING-6-15CM-PLASTIC-TENT-PEGS-/290564059518?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_HikingCamping_Tents_JN&hash=item43a6f7b17e cheap and they work well.

Spot on mate, they make the best pegs i've used yet.

Heavy duty tent pegs. Poundland. Get 6 for a £1

Feck that. Get yourself some brightly colured tent pegs (plastic) with a hoog at the top end (normally where the guy rope goes), so when you wrap your net up, you can put the hook through the net / string and it wont unravel in your bag, or if you chuck it over a hedge.


Edited to add - i didn't look at the above link and they are the exact same ones we use!

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Alliumium line pins are good go into the frosty ground like a knife through butter.For bricklayers.Very exspensive if you have to buy them.I knew a lad that worked in a factory making them, :whistling: Can even gut your rabbits with them if you forget your knife.

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hazel rods cut to length and sharpened, then drilled for the purse net string. free and long lasting and work extremely well i have found


Me too - cut them to length, sharpen, drill holes and round the tops and leave them to dry - all free and easily accessible. Last for years. :thumbs:

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