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It's a shitter, i got rejected for eczema...to say it's mild is an understatement, but they didn't want to take the risk of it going off big style, the b*****ds :tongue2: as a 17 year old being told "no" to your only option of a career (at the time), i was fooking devastated. Enjoy it mate :thumbs:

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Well done! :good:


  On 01/06/2012 at 22:22, RubyTex said:

Nice one mate, i keep getting leaflets and shit about joining the regular army even though i was rejected on medical grounds a few year back :cray:

Me too mate, due to my medical history. Got called in for a specialist medical. I was playing youth rugby and passed recruit selection in the top 25% or so too. :(
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Yup Booted out for using an inhalor (Asthma, although it turned out not to be)


This was after finishing 3rd in the BFT out of 50 and being put forward to go straight to Sandhurst lol


Tossers, bought a motorbike and grew me hair long instead.

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Congratulations mate. Out if interest to the lad who had heart surgery as a baby what kind of physical stuff can they do like sports etc? My toddler had heart surgery as a baby and they said they don't think he will be able to do weights, rugby judo etc? Would like to think he could join the military if he wants

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  On 01/06/2012 at 22:10, lee81 said:

after 3 months of trainig and hard graft i passed my selection and i was attested in to the T.A today :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:

i carnt wait to get my kit free boots combats and waterproofs and webbing to put my nets in im gonner look the part when i start ferreting :toast:


Well done mate!

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You can pass all the tests in the world to "get in" the regular army,different world once you are in. Because thats all you are doing...getting in!!! Its the very lowest acceptable level. As for asthma and esthma....they have to draw a line somewhere, and if you dont meet that line...then sorry you are not acceptable for service. TA or regular should now be at the same standards, as the TA go out on operations the same as the regulars.


Congratulations on getting in the TA. How come you dont want to go for regular?

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Well done it takes alot to volly for service in potential dangerous OPs being a regular is tough but its your full time occupation.

But being a TA means juggling your homelife worklife as well and then when you get your papers from queenie you have to put your whole civvy life on hold :thumbs:


Cant belive OP TELIC is still current


ATB Cookie

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