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Sandwell Field Sports HW97KT Accuracy Review with Si Pittaway

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Great vid keep them coming love to see springers in action So I know what I've got to contend with

Any chance you could send me instructions on how you darkend the woodwork it looks great


Edited by philmcd831
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Well i take my hat off to you Si,

Went out with my HW80s to see what kind of groups i could achieve at the ranges in your vid.

Just home 10 mins ago after shooting at paper since about 8am.

Tried the fac rifle first then after getting average results i took out the sub 12 80 and managed about the same.

Managed half inch groups out to about 40 yards at best spreading out to about an inch when i wasn't concentrating hard enough.

1 or 2 pellet on pellet (more luck than anything else i reckon)

Just as well am not a soldier we'd have been invaded years ago.

Thanks for the vid, i need more practise.

Have you ever done vids on better marksmanship [bANNED TEXT].



Atb Chris.

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Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .

Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .



sorry si rules are rules,you should know that being a military man :thumbs:



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Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .


OI im mister T :laugh:

and yes si your right... rules are made to be broken.. shot into a thousand pieces with a tin of accupells and your sfs 97 :D


just been out for a few hrs and the lens flare didnt seem too bad today.. was quite dull low light tho not proper bright sun.

Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .


OI im mister T :laugh:

and yes si your right... rules are made to be broken.. shot into a thousand pieces with a tin of accupells and your sfs 97 :D


just been out for a few hrs and the lens flare didnt seem too bad today.. was quite dull low light tho not proper bright sun.

Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .


OI im mister T :laugh:

and yes si your right... rules are made to be broken.. shot into a thousand pieces with a tin of accupells and your sfs 97 :D


just been out for a few hrs and the lens flare didnt seem too bad today.. was quite dull low light tho not proper bright sun.

Ummm whats with all these rules Mr T? Rules are made to be bent :yes: .


OI im mister T :laugh:

and yes si your right... rules are made to be broken.. shot into a thousand pieces with a tin of accupells and your sfs 97 :D


just been out for a few hrs and the lens flare didnt seem too bad today.. was quite dull low light tho not proper bright sun.


hi skot

stop encouraging si :tongue2:

the glare your getting from the scope,is to do with eye relief,and alignment.did you put the sunshade on yet ?



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hi si how you keeping mate , nice vid and the gun looks amazing got my 97 shooting smooth now power went up to 11.98 from new and has now settled down to 11.48 and is amazingly quiet and very accuret since i got in tuch with piano man and sorted the problem out that i had with the pulling of the gun to the left may get mine tuned but as the gun is running so smooth ill wait a bit longer here,s a photo of it mate atb to you and your family .mac


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Nice rifle mate.


Its the same as Davys got.


Lovely and so accurate.


I shot a big old rook with mine this afternoon that landed on my garden and tried to steel the dogs food.


At 25 metres it was a pretty easy shot but still very satisfying to see it just crumple on impact. The rooks are causing a right problem by me in the early mornings squawking and playing up.




Edited by zini
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