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dont give up on a rifle if its not accurate ???

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Hi i thought i would share this with everyone so as to help anyone who maybe haveing bother zeroing their rifle, it all started when i got a second hand kongsberg lakelander .308 i got the rifle with a set off millett accu lok rings no scope so i got a simmons deerfield after bore sighting the rifle i tried 2 shots at a 100yrd target with fed. 150grn sp. the two rounds missed the target so after adjusting the scope i got it on the target but it was not looking good as the cross hairs were off to the right so i thought the rifle does not like the ammo so i got sako ammo and got the same results so i thought ok ill change the scope so i got a pecar scope and guess what it done the same so i decided it must be the mounts but i was not so after a lot of thinking i decided to check the crown with a magnifian glass and noticed a couple of bad marks i sorted that and hey presto it was shooting fine but the small 4x35 pecar was not too my likeing so i got an edgar brothers 6x44 and the bore sighted at 104 yards this was done from the roof of the car leaning on the gun bag the first shot missed the shoe box lid target after adjusting the scope this was the result


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Have you given the rifle a PROPER clean and by proper I dont mean a snake. There may well be a build up of carbon in the throat so bad that no matter what weight/make of bullet you put through, it is not going to perform.


Also is the barrel still free floating? You should be able to run the thickness of 3 pieces of A4 from forend to muzzle easily.


Of course it can be the reason the previous owner got rid of it - it is the down side of buying secondhand unless you know its history.

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  On 02/06/2012 at 22:03, scarecrow243 said:

it was the crown cant you see the hole in the bull it works with federal.150grn sp remington 150grn sp sako 150grn sp and german mil spec 147grn fmj


Could not see the the hole but saw your number - what makes you think that one hole in a target (even in the bull) ascertains the right ammunition? do it with 5 shots of the same make, then I will agree with you.

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I bought a CZ 17hmr a few years ago, I was assured by the shop owner that it had only fired 1 box of ammo. I't wouldn't give a 2" group at 100yds so I cleaned it. The fouling seemed to come off in layer's, took 4 day's to get a clean patch out of the barrel. Fired a few through the barrel then tried it on a paper target , 3 round's sub 1/2 ".

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I think rather than showing a photo of a tgt with a blown group, you should be showing us the tgt with the group. What you are initially looking for is not hitting the centre of the tgt. What you need to ascertain is that the rifle can group consistently with the ammo you are feeding it. Then you can adjust the MPI to where you want.

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sorry the point of the post was to alert anyone haveing zeroing problems that it could be the crown thats causeing it, i dont need to put up a target to prove it shoots spot on i have shot foxes and deer over 200 yards and hit where i aimed, sorry if you think this is cheeky

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Not cheeky at all. I do think that there are many factors that can cause issues and all need to be considered. My .338LM groups like buckshot at 300M when using 300g bullets. If I use 250g scenars it puts them all into the same hole pretty much at that range. Simple case of using the correct bulet weight for the rifling. I never use factory ammo: I just dont feel happy with it as it never gives me that accuracy I want. By reloading I can pick and choose. Same goes for barrels. As soon as groups start to open up I get the barrel replaced. When you are offered a great deal on a rifle consider this; it may be no more expensive to get the barrel replaced with the twist that you want than getting the rifle brand new in the first place.


Regarding zeroing, the most common problem I have encountered with those that cannot zero is loose mounts followed by individual chasing errors rather than trying to find the rifles MPI.

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Hi i dont do target shooting so i use any factory ammo that the rifle i am useing likes i have been lucky so far with the rifles i have used ie parker hale .243 parker hale safari .308 remington 700 pss police .243 and the lakelander m-389 .308 i have heard of a lot of rifles being very fussy with factory ammo and some with reloaded the remington i had was bought new and the guy reloaded for it but could not get it too group ?? i used rws 100grn sp in it useing the manufactuers recomended zero 212 yards and it was spot on, dave

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