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Help with a Career in pest control

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:hmm: Hi , i'm now forty something and have always wanted a career in pest control,but life has took me in other directions until now when i can fully commit to this.

I have had a shotgun license for thirty years and worked ferrets for the same length of time , i have also joined a local rifle club with a view to obtaining my F.A.C.

My questions are have i left it too late? ,(hopefully not), what's the next step to get into pest control?,(with regard to training and/or gaining experience).

I am self -employed at the moment so understand fully that side of things , plus it means i can at the moment fit any training in.

Look forward to any comments you all have , thanks.

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  On 01/06/2012 at 09:04, Barnett said:

:hmm: Hi , i'm now forty something and have always wanted a career in pest control,but life has took me in other directions until now when i can fully commit to this.

I have had a shotgun license for thirty years and worked ferrets for the same length of time , i have also joined a local rifle club with a view to obtaining my F.A.C.

My questions are have i left it too late? ,(hopefully not), what's the next step to get into pest control?,(with regard to training and/or gaining experience).

I am self -employed at the moment so understand fully that side of things , plus it means i can at the moment fit any training in.

Look forward to any comments you all have , thanks.

probably best to gain employment with a large company to gain the training and experience that you will need if your looking at setting up on your own at some point in the future, good luck with your new venture in life :thumbs:
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from what i have found people that run pest control dont do much shooting and the ones that do dont make much money or get much work from it as there are lots of people doing it for free so tend to work sole I would be more inclined to look at mole wasp and antis as the main then look at the shooting aspect as a side line most people dont have much in the way of a big garden to be able to shoot in so if they do have a problem they would need trapping and lots of them like live traps not the fen type. qualification wise dont really need any unless you use poison then the best place to go for that would be eastern college near norwich they run day courses. hope you not to close to me as i do pest control myself on south side of norwich 3 years now and still growing mind you it could work give me a ring. i will pm you my number.

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  On 01/06/2012 at 12:30, Mark White said:

from what i have found people that run pest control dont do much shooting and the ones that do dont make much money or get much work from it as there are lots of people doing it for free so tend to work sole I would be more inclined to look at mole wasp and antis

as the main then look at the shooting aspect as a side line most people dont have much in the way of a big garden to be able to shoot in so if they do have a problem they would need trapping and lots of them like live traps not the fen type. qualification wise dont really need any unless you use poison then the best place to go for that would be eastern college near norwich they run day courses. hope you not to close to me as i do pest control myself on south side of norwich 3 years now and still growing mind you it could work give me a ring. i will pm you my number.


Nice offer mark. Hope it works out for both of you :thumbs:


P.S... Pity it's just a typo 'cos we could do with getting rid of some of those fecking antis! :whistling:

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Barnett, have a look at killgerm courses, Ive just booked to go on safe use of pesticides, insect control, rodent control. A lot on here will advise you to gain experince for a couple of years with another company before going alone, and for me this was not possible. I started doing just mole control, and then other services by the use of live catch traps and spring traps. Now im getting asked more if I can do jobs which may require the use of poisons.

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  On 01/06/2012 at 19:32, Barnett said:

Thanks for the help guys, Mark i'll definately give you a ring. :thumbs:


One more thing as i'm new to this forumn stuff i've no idea what a typo is :hmm:.

Keep the advice coming , thanks again.

when walking in large nettles dont wear short trousers :thumbs:
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Things to consider if your going to go it alone in pest control you need the courses so your qualified, business insurance so you are covered if anything goes wrong, a van equipment dust stick traps poison etc. Advertising money to gain work, a bit of luck and a way to chase up late payments or bad debters. You will be joining the ranks of approximately 37000 UK pest control companies and competing against them many will be one man bands but others will be nationals or large regional companies.


Going with a company first gets you experience with them taking the risk on their insurance and cost of chemicals etc. If you screw up a job on the survey you will be working for nothing or paying the client to do the work while dealing with all the other crap that goes with running your own business.


On the plus side your business you call the shots you do the jobs you want when you want and for whatever you are able or want to charge. No one is on your back and if you need flexibility for home life you got it. Avoid franchises as they are basically a way for you to pay to be an employee with none of the employee rights. Go with a big company or go it alone either has advantages and disadvantages




Guaranteed wage

There taking the financial risk

Employee rights

Paid holidays

Sick pay


They provide you with equipment

Support from managers



Working for a company making them money

Told what to do


Lack of flexible hours

Cant refuse to do a job

Jobs are short on the ground so hard to get

Answerable to a boss


Own business


All profit belongs to you

Flexibility of hours and jobs you do

Not answerable to anyone else

Work how you want



You are responsible for everything

No holiday pay

Expensive securing work

Pricing work sharp learning curve

More than half new businesses fail in the first year

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