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Whent to new farm permisslon laste night at 830 after a break ln weather after rain most off day . When arrived at farm saw farmer and got slip signed before setting off after a chat wi farmer and got gear out off van whent up into first field through gate and along hege row got about 45 yards down field and saw a rabbit sat eaten the grass tried to sneak up but i must have spooked it as i only walked 15 yard then bolted or well i thought would have been good start to get first rabbit through furst gate so carried on walking along hegerow got to bottom of field and nothing out so whent to look at a field near farmhouse wi large rabbit warren got sat down at foot off big oak tree and started the waiting game after 10 mins a rabbit bolted from hole into nettles and brambles close by needed a shotgun for that one so sat it out a while but know show so decided to move somewere else but when started to get up noticed a rabbit about 26 yard away on hill thought i spooked it at first as it turned round and stood up got laid down and ready to take shot just sat right for me so scoped it in right between the eye and ear and pulled the trigger then thud it jumped in air and rolled over clean head shot well chuffed so collected rabbit and returned to van as for it was getting dark well one better thabn none but going to have to do some homework on this permission for future sos no photo need to learn how to load them up onto computer when get back off holiday thanks for reading

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nice one always takes a while to get used to new permision one me and mawders go to dont think we ever will changes all the time came across loads of rabbits near a warren late on, decided to sit out for them the next time only one showed, and we sat under apple tree cover with the wind blowing towards us.

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