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AA s200 firing low.

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can anyone help me. bought an s200 from shop with new scope and moderator. set scope at approx 15 yards, was perfect grouping but cylinder started to leak so took it back to shop and they swapped it for another s200 . took gun home put scope and moderator on so it was basically the same setup, tried to set scope but it wont zero. after adjusting scope because it was firing about 8 inches low. it wont stop firing low, every time it starts to get somewhere near target next shot fires low, and it also goes left and right of target, can anyone give me some advice on why this is happening, the first gun was brilliant and accounted for about 6 rats on first night. the second gun is shooting groups of approx 3 to 4 inches with mostly low shots, tried putting another scope on still fires same mostly low, took moderator off still the same, tried packing front of scope to bring it up but didn't change it, any advice would be most appreciated. :hmm:

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Chrono the rifle mate, my superten went through a stage of grouping like that, turns out for some reason the power went right up and was badly fluctuating causing major inconsistency on targets. Once I got it set back to under the limit it's fine again. Although as someone else said it could just be a case of pellets or remounting the scope.

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What pressure are you filling the gun up to?


If you fill above or below the "Sweet Spot" in the power curve your pellets will fly all over the place :yes:


Most new people fill the gun to the capacity of the air cylinder, for example 200 bar.

I no longer fill the gun past 175-180 Bar as 175 is nicely in the sweet spot on my S200. I try not to let the pressure drop below 100 bar either as that is close to the lower end of the sweet spot.



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thank you for your swift replies. firstly , using air arms field pellets, scope been remounted 2 or 3 times because tried other scope to see if it was scope issues, the gun was filled at shop , filled it to 190 bar, which is more than i would fill to, i usually fill to 170 , phantom you seem to know your stuff, this might seem a silly question but when you pack a scopes mounts when firing low do you pack at front or back ? by the way i'm new to all this forum stuff so bear with me if there are any mistakes.

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The gun is not overfilled, so would not create the problem you are describing.


If the gun is firing constantly low you need to pack the rear mount (the one furthest away from the barrel). You need to raise that end of the scope up, so it is looking down towards where the pellets are going.


Sorry I answered for you Tony!

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Ahhh yes the old barrel support loop, forgot about that! My dads 410 started firing all shots to the left and no scope adjustment would bring it over! I checked the barrel support loop and the barrel was touching on the side of the loop. Undid it and retightebed making sure the barrel cleared the loop and it's firing just fine now!


Most probably the cause I would say!

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thanks lads, all replies most appreciated , would love to throw it in bin after iv had a bash at it with a 14lb mell and a stihl saw, but phoned shop and there supplier is in the process of sending new gun after shop refused another exchange + free air arms gun case for the inconvenience. result :thumbs: .

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