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IAN!!!!!!! CHAT!!

Guest Lurcherbitch

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Enjoy the chat when 'server' and other 'influences' allow Me...lol....could do without people changing names every couple of minutes....was wondering how come people can enter chat room ..without being site/forum members..???? :whistle: :whistle:




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First time yesturday that I have spent time in chat room. rarely have time as husband usually hogs pc, Must admit though seems strange that anyone can log in under any name, maybe a the restriction that you have to log in under your user id would be an idea everyone knows exactly who they are talking to then? Would be a shame to lose it, nice bit of contact when out working/playing silly hours of day and night. Would hope that If I was one of the ones talking crap someone would tell me! presume it happened earlier in evening as everything seemed fine from 11.30 onwards.


Cant I remeber other half telling me you can block twaddle? :hmm: surely easiest thing to do?

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Guest Lurcherbitch
If ya dont like it , dont use it , simple.



Leave it to others ;) .


Me thinks LB is getting a grumpy old woman. :laugh::laugh:



:icon_eek: ME!!!!! grumpy!!!! never :laugh::laugh: Old, ..i cant deny :cry::laugh: .

I dont use it as i used to, because every time i pop in shit is going on and some regular good member is upset and leaving. I dont think the dick head youngsters that give the sport a bad name....should get away with it. :big_boss:

And lets see if you call me grumpy when you meet me :laugh:

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Well i am in there tonight & am disgusted........Darcy is offering sexual favours to all :icon_eek: I will stay in there and keep an eye on things :whistle: :laugh:

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it wnt even let me in [bANNED TEXT] i put my username and password in it says does nt match


you have to register seperately for the chat, it's not linked to the forum like that.

but i've heard a little rumour something better may be on the way :whistle: B)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
but i've heard a little rumour something better may be on the way :whistle: B)



Trouble is, I've been hearing that same 'rumour' for months now :rolleyes:


My mate's a Moddie in another chat room. There, if ye get Banned, ye f*cked ~ and I Mean F*cked! Mod' hits that button on ye? ; Ye screen fills up with chinese characters and locks! Nothing on earth ye can do about it but switch off and Restart. Dynamic IP? Creating new names and Hotmails? Try it! F*ck with That site owners rules and it's goodnight from you. Period.


Result of that is that ye get No Shit in there. No smart arses. No baiting. No one tries it on - twice. And the Moddie's in there work their shifts regular as clockwork. For Years.


I guess, when ye badge means more than a milk bottle top, there's still a certain job satisfaction in it? Place like that I'd gladly put the hours in.

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