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dave slight whippets

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Dont think he would breed from rubbish,, and he still breeds kelpie lurchers...serious dog bloke, pointless knocking him.

Are jeemes you need to get somebody to translate from English to the ye old Scottish poaching language of Whindoo ! Its an old language of the old die hard notorious Scottish poaching clans shrouded i

There are many decent dogmen who have in depth knowledge and experience but when they allow financial gain to become upermost in thier criteria, then its down hill from there there. Commercialisation

There are many decent dogmen who have in depth knowledge and experience but when they allow financial gain to become upermost in thier criteria, then its down hill from there there. Commercialisation allows the crabbers to start the tirades against them often well founded.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 01/06/2012 at 05:55, BLACKWATER... said:

new davey and family twenty years bred dogs of his old line gave him dogs of my line been pals for years ,knows his dogs ,and is freindly with agood few dog lads he uses his greyhound to stud to lurchers etc ,he got bumped a few years of kevin walker who one feild trails and used to run in them bad do as dave is apretty free and generous with knowledge ,he would lose afew on here with dog knoweledge writers included


:hmm:I've walked out with both names mentioned ,...sad to hear, that one has done the other, a bad turn..

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Haven't had owt to do with the man, but saw him judge a "Working Lurcher Class" at a show in Yorkshire, and enthuse about the winner......... he then judged the EDRD Lurcher Championship and walked past the same dog without giving it a glance !!??



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he as a greyhound at stud in edrd that he wrote about in the mag saying it had won opens on 10different

ngrc tracks someone must have read it

but anyone can type in price cut in data base and it never as is best grade win was a2 kingsley fact

it wasnt his dog either got it when it was retire after racing

so dont alway beleive everything these people say unless youve seen it with your own eyes

so how can you write about a dog [bANNED TEXT] its a lie?

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  On 01/06/2012 at 22:12, fredthefrog said:

he aint a bad lad owd sleighty.........wouldnt let him judge a bullx tho hes a rabbit man....lol..

Him and his brother are some of the soundest lads i have met and could call mates when years ago i was put in hospital by some cowardly keepers they and a few more came to see me to offer help any way they could.
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  On 01/06/2012 at 22:22, fredthefrog said:

poach you could write a book before you die.......put me down for the first copy.... :thumbs:

Na feck that i want my grandkids to become good law abiding citizens like my daughters lol.I am suprised Dave S hasent wrote one as his aticules in the mags i have found make intresting reading.
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I've met Dave quite a few times, and find him a decent enough fella. Also watched his collie cross,es work up Scotland in Blairgowrie, seen the Kizzy bitch do a bit. Nice steady very obedient rabbit dog. As i said always found him a nice bloke :thumbs: Atb

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