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Midges,and moleing

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Seeing as im well up north, and over the past few days in particular,the dreaded midges are once again on the attack.Im partial to a bit of moleing after tea,this time of year.I forgot my midge head net the other evening,(and boy did i pay the price ! ) and got eaten alive !! he-he.Got the hell outa there,and ran home.Never been so glad to get back in the motor.Is it true you boys further down south,dont suffer this problem to the same extent ?

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it was a form of torture in scotland , tied out and left to the midgies, we have them fairly bad around here from about now til octoberish, depending on weather, theres times you cannot leave the house without mozzie net or repellent and leaving the doors open at dusk can be a nightmare, we often prey for wind to keep them at bay

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Dont know how far you are up yonder but Im In SW Cumbria and its bad enough here. Evening We go out with the shoty's and sit near the trees for cover....Im constantly smoking my face off to try keep the horrible fooker away..my mate hasnt smoked for years but has had to resort to smoking ciggar's :laugh:



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