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arbroaths 1st meet up on wedesday night

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seen on internet arbroath haveing problems with staffy attacks :hmm: .and leads me to think. thats she thinks our dogs will attack smaller dogs passing by :icon_eek: ...but she should of came and seen for herself first before writeing on a public site ..also like to add it aint the staffy its the owners see u wed bob

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big thankyou to all the guys that showed up to our 1st wedesday night meeting   a few greyhound lads   a few lurcher guys and non ped guys   i know we didnt arvitise meeting we just invited

heres a few pics from earlier, whip / grey's missus took them on my camera, if you like them its the camera if you don't it's all her blame.lol

mostly there from arbroath,,,then carnostie/brottyferry,,,,1/2 guys turning up next week will be from dundee   i think this week jarv about 15 folk turned up   and there,s a couple more from glen

in every town ,,,staffies and owners have alot to answer for


but in some off her posts,,,,,dogs shouldnt have any natural instinct,,,ie running dog shouldnt run,,,retrivier shouldnt retrive,,,terrier shouldnt kill rats,,,a sheep dog ,shouldnt heard,,,,ect ect ect


basically dogs should be human,,,,,the womans a twat,,,its a shame she has following in arbroath,,,but she lacks knowlage of dogs breeds,,call her self a dog trainer,lol,,,,,but she doesnt relise ,,,,arbroath had a whippet club before her classes were even thought about,,and no one uses the land,, on that same very land, there,s afew off the founder members there 2day,,,its only a matter off time

Edited by whip x grey
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in every town ,,,staffies and owners have alot to answer for


but in some off her posts,,,,,dogs shouldnt have any natural instinct,,,ie running dog shouldnt run,,,retrivier shouldnt retrive,,,terrier shouldnt kill rats,,,a sheep dog ,shouldnt heard,,,,ect ect ect


basically dogs should be human,,,,,the womans a twat,,,its a shame she has following in arbroath,,,but she lacks knowlage of dogs breeds,,call her self a dog trainer,lol,,,,,but she doesnt relise ,,,,arbroath had a whippet club before her classes were even thought about,,and no one uses the land,, on that same very land, there,s afew off the founder members there 2day,,,its only a matter off time

on you go bob
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It's a real shame that folks are complaining about your meet ups. Are they held on public land? Do you need/have permission to organise activities there? Do the dogs taking part have to wear muzzles? Hope all goes well - but just think about safety and what would happen if someones wee dog running loose wanted to join in the fun.

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bob, sorry bud theres none of the original members we maybe did it in the 80's but i had relations that raced in arbroath in the 30's and ffs even bill's no that auld, the people who are mumping need to have a proper look.....there was 10wk old pups, primary school kids, pregnant women, pensioners, self employed businessmen etc a great cross section......... some of these holier than thou types really need to wake up..........because a staffy nailed a cat in a scheme ?????????? and they say ignorance is bliss

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bob, sorry bud theres none of the original members we maybe did it in the 80's but i had relations that raced in arbroath in the 30's and ffs even bill's no that auld, the people who are mumping need to have a proper look.....there was 10wk old pups, primary school kids, pregnant women, pensioners, self employed businessmen etc a great cross section......... some of these holier than thou types really need to wake up..........because a staffy nailed a cat in a scheme ?????????? and they say ignorance is bliss

who told you im not that old
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bob, sorry bud theres none of the original members we maybe did it in the 80's but i had relations that raced in arbroath in the 30's and ffs even bill's no that auld, the people who are mumping need to have a proper look.....there was 10wk old pups, primary school kids, pregnant women, pensioners, self employed businessmen etc a great cross section......... some of these holier than thou types really need to wake up..........because a staffy nailed a cat in a scheme ?????????? and they say ignorance is bliss

who told you im not that old

your youthful good looks and friendly optimism tell me that

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im liking that rough coated Black dog that young lady is holding...tidy looking dog.

if your talking about the young lady in the last pic.....they'll be no living with her now....young lady? thats mrs birddog and she's a granny

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im liking that rough coated Black dog that young lady is holding...tidy looking dog.

if your talking about the young lady in the last pic.....they'll be no living with her now....young lady? thats mrs birddog and she's a granny



Soz ...i hope i havnt started something off...LOL.

tidy looking dog though..looks like mine...is it dog or bitch and whats the breeding if you dont mind me asking mate.

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im liking that rough coated Black dog that young lady is holding...tidy looking dog.

if your talking about the young lady in the last pic.....they'll be no living with her now....young lady? thats mrs birddog and she's a granny



Soz ...i hope i havnt started something off...LOL.

tidy looking dog though..looks like mine...is it dog or bitch and whats the breeding if you dont mind me asking mate.

her pics are on here lots, look earlier on in this post, or recently dh pics running or a couple of weeks ago i put up a few from a mornings walk, her father was a 29' basically deerhound greyhound, his mother was a doxhope bred 3/4 and his father a deerhoundy lurcher (got lots of history some going back to the northumberland dogs in doherty's book) and her mother is an irish bred greyhound by top honcho out of a larkhill jo bitch (lots of westmead, i'm slippy sandman and the like). she's by far the smallest in the litter at 26' her sister's 28 and her brother 32


and the missus thinks she's lost 10 yrs youv'e made her day but she'll not stop about it for weeks now :laugh:

Edited by birddog
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feching chaseing a lures a bit fun the woman from arbroath hasnt a clue about lurcher dog work , any daft mutt will chase a toy or lure if goaded so tell her to come along and see for herself that chasing a rag or skin not going make them more wicked on a pet dog ,



i think know the lass she had dog walking business,,,aparently,,she hates terrier racing that goes on in town at another club,,gave a person hard time , reporting her to her boss,,as the person was lecturer at college,,and was threating to get a solicter ,,as she couldnt understand how college could condone such a thing as terrier racing ,,,lol lol


we decided ,,we are just going to send her a horses head ,,as a warning :laugh: :laugh:

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jst received my new muzzle off ebay a bit big for my dog ..but would suit a bigger lurcher perfectly .il bring it along on wed if any one is interested in buying it or swapping for a smaller one :thumbs:

i'll have a wee look

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