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arbroaths 1st meet up on wedesday night

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big thankyou to all the guys that showed up to our 1st wedesday night meeting


:thumbs: a few greyhound lads


:thumbs: a few lurcher guys and non ped guys


i know we didnt arvitise meeting we just invited a few and they invited a few more,,good night by all :thumbs:


we will go for next wedesday,,,,hopfully it will be the start off somthing bigger local to us ,,as at momment we have nothing in our town :thumbs:

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big thankyou to all the guys that showed up to our 1st wedesday night meeting   a few greyhound lads   a few lurcher guys and non ped guys   i know we didnt arvitise meeting we just invited

heres a few pics from earlier, whip / grey's missus took them on my camera, if you like them its the camera if you don't it's all her blame.lol

mostly there from arbroath,,,then carnostie/brottyferry,,,,1/2 guys turning up next week will be from dundee   i think this week jarv about 15 folk turned up   and there,s a couple more from glen

  On 30/05/2012 at 21:11, whip x grey said:

no worries matt,,,good night ,,,,pleantly runs for everyone,s dogs ,,,and we are thinking off gettin kids involed in showing there dogs for some sweeties ect,,,, :thumbs:


Ben says he can bring the 'black dog' :whistling: will probably want more than sweeties.... and wont take no for an answer.. :icon_eek:

\ill leave the negotiation to you ... :D


edited.......... And i don't mean the wee black dug....

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i thought u were still on operations jarv as ive not seen or heard from u ,,or posting on htl


offcourse ur invited,,,and anyone else that wants to come :thumbs:


basically we didnt think many would turn up,,,but everyone did and more ,,2night was a trail run


they old guys 2night ,,,no half chat away ,,,,basically its to give dogs run ect and have a bleather with each other :thumbs:

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  On 30/05/2012 at 21:20, mattydski said:
  On 30/05/2012 at 21:11, whip x grey said:

no worries matt,,,good night ,,,,pleantly runs for everyone,s dogs ,,,and we are thinking off gettin kids involed in showing there dogs for some sweeties ect,,,, :thumbs:


Ben says he can bring the 'black dog' :whistling: will probably want more than sweeties.... and wont take no for an answer.. :icon_eek:

\ill leave the negotiation to you ... :D


edited.......... And i don't mean the wee black dug....



bring the queen bess off barry budden,,,we have a young deer x grey ,,,that needs put back in her place ,,,on running,,,,as she looked impressive ,,,bess will put her back in her place matt lol

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  On 30/05/2012 at 21:55, whip x grey said:
  On 30/05/2012 at 21:20, mattydski said:
  On 30/05/2012 at 21:11, whip x grey said:

no worries matt,,,good night ,,,,pleantly runs for everyone,s dogs ,,,and we are thinking off gettin kids involed in showing there dogs for some sweeties ect,,,, :thumbs:


Ben says he can bring the 'black dog' :whistling: will probably want more than sweeties.... and wont take no for an answer.. :icon_eek:

\ill leave the negotiation to you ... :D


edited.......... And i don't mean the wee black dug....



bring the queen bess off barry budden,,,we have a young deer x grey ,,,that needs put back in her place ,,,on running,,,,as she looked impressive ,,,bess will put her back in her place matt lol

bring it on

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we must have looked like tinkers ,,,with my transit on park ,lol police had a look then drove off,,ive got them well trained lol,,,,afterall we are the flapping lurcher club lol,,,i think thats were the name flapping came from lol i could be wrong lol



i think there was about 15 dogs ,,,5 bwra whips / 7 lurchers and pups and 3 greyhounds


see ya,s next week 6pm sharp :thumbs:


ive roped ian ,,,on being show judge for kids,,,,and he,s bringing his dogs threw next week

Edited by whip x grey
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Good to see you getting a run and good idea about the kids I don't know if anyones interested but we me and my old man will be at Fyvie Casle on the Saturday the 9th of June to run a Charity terrier and Lurcher "show" now this has not to be taken seriously as there will be skulduggery. There will be at least one disqualification some of the cast of Emerdale will be involved and it will be a FUN filled half hour in the main ring. The last time we done this at the Grampian fair I ended up on the front page of the Sun ( not page 3) in the background, in the foreground one of The Kincardine Foxhounds was Pishing on Marlon (from the Woolpack's) leg.Sorry for nicking your thread I will put up a post with more details shortly. Just thinking remember shows used to be fun so good to see you are putting the fun back..... :boogy:

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  On 30/05/2012 at 22:55, events co-ordinator said:

Good to see you getting a run and good idea about the kids I don't know if anyones interested but we me and my old man will be at Fyvie Casle on the Saturday the 9th of June to run a Charity terrier and Lurcher "show" now this has not to be taken seriously as there will be skulduggery. There will be at least one disqualification some of the cast of Emerdale will be involved and it will be a FUN filled half hour in the main ring. The last time we done this at the Grampian fair I ended up on the front page of the Sun ( not page 3) in the background, in the foreground one of The Kincardine Foxhounds was Pishing on Marlon (from the Woolpack's) leg.Sorry for nicking your thread I will put up a post with more details shortly. Just thinking remember shows used to be fun so good to see you are putting the fun back..... :boogy:



i drive up to aberdeen every day,,,,is that the show up that way ,,,,????

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