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lurcher stopping in the middle of a course

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Guest born to run1083

There could be 100 and 1 reasons to why he's doing it but to me this time right now is make or break for the dog as few have said give him a break. Work on reconditioning i.e as if bring back from a strain. Lead work then build up to jogging with him and so on. Get him fit over a gradual period of time then go out start of season on some green fluff balls and really let himself feel like a King as many easy catches as you can make him feel invincible so to speak and see where your at. or carry on taking him out and he'll just pull up for good. Weather from injury physical or mental

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were you raped by a saluki i think you may need some help or just someone to talk to about it.Its not good holding all of these feelings deep inside

It sounds like you have over matched it too early from your post and he is getting used to stuff getting away and not bothering......show him nothing for as long as possible and then try again would b

Firstly never run him with another dog mate. Just you and him, plenty of bonding and let him get used to what the lamp does and the lamping game works. Maybe still too young to be lamping with yet, gi

Leave the lamp alone until much later in the year,Find the dog the odd easy run and then home.At this time of year,especially of late,it as been very warm,it does,nt take much for the mutt to overheat and not want to run.The dog is young and will soon savvy up with a few short lessons,be patient and don,t be to bothered about the dog catching and chasing yet,it will all come in due course.

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I would keep him back for a few months then take him out with an experienced dog and just let him watch over and over again for a few outings, it`s hard not to slip him but it will pay off if you persevere...also get him checked for injury as they will sometimes carry injuries without showing any pain. At least your asking for advice with this... good luck mate !!

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