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NV CAM clips

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I had a quick mooch last night on my permision the winter barley is getting hip hight now and the vegitaion on the borders has exploded so not much i could do so i checked out the couple of clear spots and managed to justify my trip with a couple of keepers.


Both rabbits were around 35 yrd mark i started out with little wind but decent cloud cover but after a hour clear skys... With work in the morning and 2 in the bag i called it a night.


Here is a the couple of clips of the night.




Edited by kanny
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Top Shooting bud, ;)


Especially the old Duplex Reticle, Only NV i used was an old torch my mate shone and open sights on My Old trusty Relum Tornado .22

probably pushing out 10 ft lbs at most but it got the job done, Now got a Rapid MK 2 IR300 for my Sony HD Cam, How times have changed :laugh: :laugh:


atvb Daz 7.

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Top Shooting bud, ;)


Especially the old Duplex Reticle, Only NV i used was an old torch my mate shone and open sights on My Old trusty Relum Tornado .22

probably pushing out 10 ft lbs at most but it got the job done, Now got a Rapid MK 2 IR300 for my Sony HD Cam, How times have changed :laugh: :laugh:


atvb Daz 7.


just being out of shooting for 12 years and then coming back to it i notice a big diffrence in the kit things have moved on alot not all for the best imo but hey thats progress for you.....i tried the mildot way of shooting with the s200 but it just wasnt for me so i was happy to go back to old school on the super10 ...... the relum tornado was one of my first guns also and i loved it only heros in comics had night vision back then :laugh:

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