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Guarding the cricket pitch

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To keep with the spirit of the site I thought that I would add my adventures.


My permition is a small village cricket pitch, and as such it is not a huge bit of land. However it is surounded by feilds. My mistion is to "keep those buggers from digging up my pitch"


Now I work stupid shifts and so I can only get out every other week, but this dose stop me from over killing the area.


So I poped out on Tuesday evening for a quick wonder. now this normaley means I wonder down to a corner behind the nets, tuck myself up into the ditch that runs around the field and wait. Well this time I had not even reached the first corner when the first bunny stuck it head up. 1-0 to the bunnybasher. Well I made it down to the corner and got setteled and no more than 10 min later the first came out into the open. Now one thing I have lurnt is that the mums and dads of the bunny world use the young to test if it is safe to come out. 5mins later a good sized on came to join the party, what a mistaka to maka 2-0 and quickly 3-0. I then thought that I would try another area and moved round to the one of the other corners and hid behind the roler. I was only there for 10 or so mins before 4-0.


I headded back to the pavilion to clean the 4 that I had got. Checked the time and thought I had time to get one more. So I wondered off back to the nets and in no time no 5 was in the bag. They were like Zulus, dam fuzzy wuzzys keep cumming.




I then went out on Friday and set up the S410TDR just as the grounds keeper turned up. An hour later and he has painted the lines for the weekend match and he was off. With only about 45mins I headed off down to the nets to get setteled. It was about 20 mins till those pesky rabbits felt safe and out they came, with only time for one shot I had to make it a gooden. All of a sudden a wopper came out and was duley put down.




Will be leving it for the week but hope to be back out there soon



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I think its funny when people keep 'score'. I can only wonder how many hunters have been killed by bunnies who've armed themselves and lay in wait outside their house.


"I grabbed my s410, ready to go shooting as the light faded...I opened my front door and kicked gerry and lucy out to test the water, after 10 mins of watching them on the slip and slide, i finally worked up the courage to walk down the drive.


I paused after the fifth pace. I sniffed the air. Something wasn't right. Had I left the iron on?

No sooner had I turned around, when I involuntarily did a backflip and face planted the car bonnet. My brain was hanging out my ear but by flailing around I managed to fall back through the door....0-1 to the bunnies.

Maybe next week i'll try again...or when I regain control of my nervous system...."


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