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Guest born to run1083

Start at 8 weeks old. Great way to bond with them. Nothing to intense I just make it fun and games for the pup by time there old enough to be in the field to learn there craft the retrieve should be installed into the brain

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Start at 8 weeks old. Great way to bond with them. Nothing to intense I just make it fun and games for the pup by time there old enough to be in the field to learn there craft the retrieve should be installed into the brain

Start at 8 weeks old. Great way to bond with them. Nothing to intense I just make it fun and games for the pup by time there old enough to be in the field to learn there craft the retrieve should be installed into the brain


Agree.The earlyer the better.Always worked for me. :victory:

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1 retreive every few days is enough for a young pup. too much sickens Some pups. just take your time and do things gradually. good luck. dont be any rush enjoy the pup while its young. :thumbs:

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1 retreive every few days is enough for a young pup. too much sickens Some pups. just take your time and do things gradually. good luck. dont be any rush enjoy the pup while its young. :thumbs:


All the above comments are spot on , as said not too much don't over do it as some pups get bored and sick of retrieving so take your time and enjoy bonding :thumbs:


Atb mate good luck

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bud ive been flogging this idea on here for a good while , dont be in a panic to get the perfect retrieve as soon as possible with a pup, its puts all the emphasis on the item and away from you, you end up with a dog who wont hand up its catch but comes within 3 foot of you,


make coming into your space the trigger that makes the item get thrown dont worry if you cant get it off the pup because you are only going to cause her to retreat if you keep trying to take it off her,

use a couple of items , get the pup to touch her nose to the palm of your hand to receive attention , food , the play item , whatever it is , that way coming and touching you is a huge positive for the pup,

if you can get the pup into the frame of mind that touching your hand with its nose is its avenue to everything you will have no problem getting anything off the pup,


i teach the recall through play training , COME starts off as come and touch my hand for me to throw the ball, because the COME then triggers play a real positive association in the grown dogs mind,

so dont worry bout getting the item , have a second and and a third on you, the biggest pull for a dog is potential energy, getting the pup coming into your space hopefully with the first in its mouth for you to create huge excitement about the second , get the pup to touch your palm , tell him Yes and launch the second and so it goes on,, best of luck bud

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