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raw chicken

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just a quick question lads, is it ok to feed a ferret raw chicken, ive never fed it in all the years ive had ferrets, but have fed day old chicks which are raw, any advice will be great, atb

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i have found day old chicks dont really offer much in the way of food basicaly your giving them egg yolks with down on them,as for raw chicken mine get plenty they cheep to buy dogs thrive on them as well as anything else i offer caught or shot,from carrion to rabbits it all adds to a staple diet

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yeah raw chicken is fine, mine have been on it from kits, unless they get pigeon or rabbit, depends whats in the freezer, word of advise in this heat, feed at night and remove in the morning, otherwise you'll have maggots in no time.

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Same here im feeding chicken carcasses to the big ferrets and rabbits to the kits with no problems and the small amount thats left in the morning the dogs are waiting to hoover up but i wouldn't feed day old chicks

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Mine are fed almost exclusively on raw chicken portions when I haven't got rabbit, have been for years. I defrost them and add a few squirts of multivitamin spray a few times a week. :thumbs:

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Mine are fed almost exclusively on raw chicken portions when I haven't got rabbit, have been for years. I defrost them and add a few squirts of multivitamin spray a few times a week. :thumbs:


when i dont have rabbit in for them or pigeon, I do exactly this.. i also sometimes dip them in a protein mix i have for the dogs.. dunno why i just do.. never seems to harm them... i get the cheap chicken fillets or thighs from tesco and just freeze them. As long as bones arnt cooked it wont hurt them.


day old chicks are ok once every now and then but more as a treat than anything else.. they dont really offer anything nutritonal and if fed too much can cause problems due to the little feathers (down i think its called???) .. however i have been told it flushes them out pretty good... mine havnt had any since probabley last year to be honest.

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