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More Bad New's For Bull Breed's

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Wrong, there is definitely such thing as a bad dog! And with all the dickheads breeding staffys and pits and crossing them with even more poorly bred American bulldogs presa's etc all without any sort

No it's because the majority of their owners are f*****g morons that shouldnt be allowed a hamster let alone a bull breed. Check the facts on what dogs bite/attack the most, it's collies/labs/terriers

Another wonderful story to come out of Hartlepool, full of fcuking mongs this town, no doubt they had their socks tucked into their trackies, t-shirts hanging out the top, Nike Air Maxes on and a can

Does my head in the way its put up in the news. The number 1 dog for attacks is a lab but they don't get that bad of press. Probs cos bulls do more damage but any dog can attack another dog or human. It's down to the owner

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That's all it ever is, incompetent owners being irresponsible and lazy!


Can't be bothered to put your aggressive dog away that's had previous for biting people whilest you go to the toilet when your looking after someone's kid that the dogs not familiar with , then when the kid winds up the dog to the point it bites the dog gets battered before being pts when in reality it was the fault of the moron owner being a irresponsible Cnut!!


When you read into 99% of dog bites/attacks there is usually a similar story to the one above!

Edited by j1985
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Obviously otherwise it wouldn't be a dog attack, what I was getting at is that if you read into all the incidents that happen you will see previous history regarding aggression being shown to people or even previous bites. The warning signs were there and ignored putting the dog in a situation where it could bite/attack.


I'm not saying it's not the dogs fault just as much as the incompetent owner as it obviously is, no dog should bite a kid ever but put a dog that has bit before in a situation where it can bite again and it most likely will....when it could have been prevented.

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Would you leave a shotgun laying about the house ? No


So why do people leave their dog alone with strange children or have it running riot off leash in public places or walk a serious dog aggressive dog through a busy dog walking area with no muzzle etc etc alot of people are irresponsible moronic wankers with no regard to other people's safety and it seems most dog owners that are like this own bullbreeds.


A local girl got a staff that had been passed around an had previous fo biting people yet she bred it straight away and left her kid unsupervised with it whilest heavily pregnant, the dog bit her kid as she wound it up. Her brothers beat the pregnant dog half to death before taking it to vets to have it pts. She's now got another staff and has bred a litter or two from that. I can tell you a few more similar story's just from people in my town.

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