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Thinking of first stock build Advice please guys

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Hello all!



I am thinking of building my first stock. It would be for my SMK xs20 just to start off with as a practice run for the S400 if all goes well. I've been out of work for 2 months and I'm chewing at the bit so need something to keep me occupied.


My main question to start off with is where I can get a relatively cheap piece of suitable timber from locally? Do B & Q or Wikes provide suitable timbers for example? I know there is a timber yard locally also but in turn would they have the required materials and be able to provide it in such a small quantity?


I'm sure these are stupid questions but I really don't have a clue so any advice you could give me would be really appreciated. I am looking to spend less than £30 on a piece of timber ideally.


Cheers :thumbs:

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I would suggest the timber yard, you need a tight grain hardwood not your everage Red/White wood. The timber yard will be the cheapest and if they haven't got it there they will get it for you already dried.



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