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Guest thebigdog

Well lads I emailed 10 TD's on Saturday and only 1 had the manners to reply. Just wondering have many of you lads had the same experience. To all involved in the site well do it looks the job fair play.

Atb Paddy.

paddy iv been on to a a councillor and a TD ,the councillor in fairness will meet with me but the TD that i actually voted for along with my family hasnt replied to my messages and il let him know he wont be getting our votes again



get down to the c**ts office and make him give you a date for a meeting, he's there to serve YOU, not the other way about. you helped the arsehole get the job, dont let him say no. he owe's YOU. :thumbs:

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Through lack of a computer I haven't been on line in a while. Also because of family commitments I couldn't attend the Cork rally, I'm sorry to say. If those that own, work and love the working terr

meeting our local TD in an hour lads, he is pro hunt and keeps dogs so fingers crossed we can make some small impact.

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Well lads I emailed 10 TD's on Saturday and only 1 had the manners to reply. Just wondering have many of you lads had the same experience. To all involved in the site well do it looks the job fair play.

Atb Paddy.

paddy iv been on to a a councillor and a TD ,the councillor in fairness will meet with me but the TD that i actually voted for along with my family hasnt replied to my messages and il let him know he wont be getting our votes again



get down to the c**ts office and make him give you a date for a meeting, he's there to serve YOU, not the other way about. you helped the arsehole get the job, dont let him say no. he owe's YOU. :thumbs:

indeed pal and that what il be doing he fobed me off two weeks ago when i asked him what his partys stance on the bill and said il get back to you on that but that just dont cut it
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