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My strange capture in a Mk4 and Mk6 Fenn

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I have now caught 2 Jay birds, over the course of 2 days, in a mk4 and mk6 Fenn. Anyone else come across this? And before flamers come in, my Fenns were pegged, Tunnels were long enough and the birds had to of climbed in. The one in the mk6 was caught around the middle and killed, the mk4 was caught on the legs and dispatched by myself. I know the tunnels were long enough, because the bird that was alive had tried to escape, but was pegged and was STILL inside the tunnel when the chain was at full length.




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So in 8 days you have had 15 in 8 traps, well good on you for checking your traps twice a day. BUT the blackbird was an unlawful catch! as for the Jays even as a gamekeeper i am unsure where the law stands on catching these in MK's, what are you baiting them with?

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