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there is a large number of buzzards about these days, i dont think its a bad idea at all to control the numbers a little.

just as many if not more red kites too.

saw one here the other week :thumbs:
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there is a large number of buzzards about these days, i dont think its a bad idea at all to control the numbers a little.

just as many if not more red kites too.

theres not as many red kites round my area, but they are about. :thumbs:

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15 years ago there were no buzzards in my area now i see more fricken buzztards than i do sparrows they make daytime rabbit shooting hard work..... no red kites though

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I see lots of buzzards and redkites, but I don't see any reason for them to be controlled. Sorry but protecting game birds is a piss poor excuse in my opinion and shows a lack of understanding of how predator population and distributions work. It isn't like taking out a problem fox that learns where a chicken coop is, any buzzard might take a young pheasant if it gets the opportunity but I would wager it is infinitesimal compared to the numbers killed by cars and if you release birds into the countrside you have to expect to lose a lot of them, that is just common sense. I would understand if there were unnaturally high numbers specifically due to game birds, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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I see lots of buzzards and redkites, but I don't see any reason for them to be controlled. Sorry but protecting game birds is a piss poor excuse in my opinion and shows a lack of understanding of how predator population and distributions work. It isn't like taking out a problem fox that learns where a chicken coop is, any buzzard might take a young pheasant if it gets the opportunity but I would wager it is infinitesimal compared to the numbers killed by cars and if you release birds into the countrside you have to expect to lose a lot of them, that is just common sense. I would understand if there were unnaturally high numbers specifically due to game birds, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Without wanting to re open any old debates, 'unnaturally high numbers' is very much a matter of opinion!

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