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Where to set up a hide

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Hi guys, i am hoping to do some pigeon shooting very soon, have got some bits and bobs to get my hide sorted but was just wondering how people decide where to set up the hide?


Is there some science to it or is it just pot luck...??


Any help or advice is appreciated

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As stated above aswell as trying to get a decent background cover..also try not to have the hide stuck too far of the hedge into the field as it can spook the woodies..one other thing i used to find effective was picking some of the surrounding foliage and threading it into the hide so it blend's in better..

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Layout blind slap bang in the middle of the field, wind on the back and stubble it out well. Obviously depends on the crops your decoying in but when possible this is my favourite method. Keeps them from lightin short in trees and fightin the wind if direction changes. They also get wary of landing close to hedges after a while. As with any form of decoying the better your hide the better success you will have. Atb Mark

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  • 4 weeks later...

Never put your hide up in a straight horizontal line at the top drop down on one pole and up on the other so it looks like waves, and fill in with any of the surrounding foliage when you go out 20-30 yards and look back everything should look the same. if it don't look good to you it certainly wont to the Pigeons, Pigeons will shy away from anything that looks like straight line's you don't get them naturally: Dave

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