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New kennels

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I've just built new kennels. Each one is 10ft deep 5ft wide, gate at the front, bed at the back. Floor is falling from the door to the bed with pipe under bed to septic tank. Great job and its saving me about half hour every evening between feeding and cleaning. But........ I have a problem with the bedding coming from the bed onto the floor which is causing the pipe to block every other night. I'm using shavings at the minute but am planning on getting wax paper. Has anyone had this trouble and sorted it? I know i can pick the bedding up, but it contradicts the design. Any ideas? Or better still proven solutions?

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in my opinion,if its not too cold then consider cow mats under your dogs,of course theres a chance the dog might tear it to bits also.Did you try the obvious and put a front board at floor level to prevent the shavings falling out?I also considered foam insulation on the floor covered with plywood.No need for beding then unless its very cold altogether.

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Why is the floor falling from the door to the bed?wouldn't it have been better the opposite way?




That's what i thought, When i did my kennels i did mine falling towards the door with a drain channel to the drain to a septic tank, that way you can brush out any leaves or bedding before it gets in the drain. I have old rubber conveyor belting in the dog beds in the summer and add some old blankets in the winter months. I'm not keen on straw or that paper bedding as it gets bloody everywhere.

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I have it falling away from the door as i have ten pens and i can wash down straight from the door, just for convenience really. Yeah i have nine inch board on all around the bed. The dogs aren't intentionally pulling the bedding out, its what comes out with them every time they jump out. I've used carpet before and have them on plywood at the minute but both cause burns on the dogs from lying down. The cow mat might work, i could screw a lat around the edges to stop them eating the mat. Would the mat cause burns after a while too? I was thinking about closing in the bed altogether and just leaving an opening just big enough for the dog to get through, hopefully stiphels wouldn't get knocked

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I have it falling away from the door as i have ten pens and i can wash down straight from the door, just for convenience really. Yeah i have nine inch board on all around the bed. The dogs aren't intentionally pulling the bedding out, its what comes out with them every time they jump out. I've used carpet before and have them on plywood at the minute but both cause burns on the dogs from lying down. The cow mat might work, i could screw a lat around the edges to stop them eating the mat. Would the mat cause burns after a while too? I was thinking about closing in the bed altogether and just leaving an opening just big enough for the dog to get through, hopefully stiphels wouldn't get knocked


I use old rubber conveyor belting and that doesn't cause any burns or rubbing mate. The belting i get is 3/4" thick i cut it to size with a wood saw and i don't have to battern it down as it's that heavy the dogs can't move it. I have just a small opening to the kennel 14" wide by 20" high and my dogs don't seem to knock themselves.

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