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Does anyone know of pick axe lines

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Turkish you seem to find it hard to follow this thread, not to mind understand what can go on underground.   Myself, Fatman, Neil , Corkonian, Corkman, Shylock and Smasher all saw the dog working f

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the Bitch should never have been for sale in the first place! but that said, the person who bought her already had a bitch all most the same way breed no problems with her.. the bitch which came off w

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I'm no authority on terriers nor do I ever pretend to be but from what I saw of freckles I was very impressed. I dug to him a good few times - I think he was between 10 and 12 years old over those seasons.

We had a few right awkward digs with him but there was one that really stood out - I'd love to go into detail about that dig!

Edited to add - when I say awkward I mean hard digging for us - the dog never put a foot wrong in my presence.

Edited by Corkonian
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  On 01/07/2013 at 13:37, spindolero said:

so he was fine till then, new owner and had the fox incident, back to old owner and fine again?

Seems that's what happened.Bryan had 16 digs to the dog afterwards,some tricky ones aswell and I have no reason to doubt the man as I seen this dog work plenty of times without fault.His only fault that I could see with him was his size as some earths it took longer for him to reach his game.I cant say the dog did not come away as I was not present when it happened with its new owner so cant say what took place and have no reason to disbelieve the man either,every dog has an off day and anyone that says different is a liar.

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because the fox came out the entrance that the dog went in doesnt mean it passed the dog in the tube its more like the tube doubles back to the same entrance and the fox was always ahead of the dog thus exiting before old freckles got hold.

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I bred the dog and gave him to DD as a started dog, he was big and I had his brother, mother and a few more at the time. If he didn't want the dog he was to be returned.

After 6 season with the dog he sold him to Trev.

On trial the dog bolted a fox for those guys so they decided he must have left the fox past him and was a cull (dog didn't walk out) They returned him to DD for their cash.

Then I got him back from DD.

I dug 16 with him the first season back. Mostly on digs where other dogs were tried first and couldn't get it done or as the last dog to check was there anything left in a place. I dug him for another 3 seasons after that.


Who cares?It's only an old working terrier, shoot 'em


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  On 01/07/2013 at 16:06, snagbrac said:

because the fox came out the entrance that the dog went in doesnt mean it passed the dog in the tube its more like the tube doubles back to the same entrance and the fox was always ahead of the dog thus exiting before old freckles got hold.

your right bud it doesn't.but theres terrier men.and theres men with terriers and theres loads of both on here lol.
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one dig out of possibly hundreds of a terriers life is a very small price to pay .................even when a friend loans a dog with a few seasons ,.............they usually say wait till the dog gets too know you , start them on nice easy ones and build them up ( especially if they have had time off)...........and before you know it , the dog is back at its best and in fall swing..........

I don't give a shite what anyone says a dog needs confidence ,.... and confidence is gained with its new owner ,..............and that dog will know that sooner or later your breaking through................and with exspereince grows confidence and a great bond is good for both ,...............if any one takes a dog with a few seasons under its belt, and exspects it too work like it did for its last owner , then think again,.............and if you cant see a difference in working ability of newly owned experienced dogs then that says it all, ..............and this is a big factor on dogs not being given a fair crack at the whip.......and bad decisions are made and friendships broke.......

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  On 01/07/2013 at 20:05, WEDGEY said:

I don't understand why was the dog sold in the first place I know I wouldn't sell anything this good

Because the chap that had the dogs decided all of a sudden diging wasn't for him anymore and just sold all.

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