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As it says anyone interested in a SJ413, J reg, engine, running gear and chassis A1, body not bad, Soft top ripped and cracking but good enough!

loads of spares and as many wheels and tyres as you'll ever need!

Reason for sale Just fancying a change!


£475 ONO


ANyone interested near Guildford but would meet a definate buyer!

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If you still got the car nearer to September, give me a PM :good: Im only a couple of miles away from you aswel, Dorking.


Will be 17 then and with abit of luck the SJ413 will be my first motor, just dont have the parking space to keep it yet and still unsure weather insurance will be too pricey :cry:


H&J :victory:

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yep got some tax and mot till december! was gonna put the tax on my new car but if you interested in it and a quick sale then we can work something out


H&J where abouts are you??


its a great first car and insurance will be low! its a group 5 or 6. i'm 21 and driving 4 years got some points and had a crash and still it was only £420! its the same as like a fiat uno or citreon ax but just offroad able!

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Im in Dorking, Well Brockham only about 12 miles away.


Just not sure I would have anywhere to keep the car if I did buy now. Ill have a word with my mum :icon_redface: when she gets back from work :good: and see of theres anything I could sort out :thumbs-up:


Would be easier September aswell because Im going to College in Guilford (Merrist Wood)


You got any pics mate?


H&J :victory:

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H&J i know brockham very well....go there most days!


do you know any keepers etc round that way? i may know of you or vice versa? PM if you like


having trouble getting the pics loaded up but if your quite interested i can always bring it over or something? I would like to sell it quite soon but i know what its like getting a first car so i'm sure we'd be able to work it out if you really want it

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