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Flea treatment

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I was told by an old girl in a grooming palour that the best thing she used on dogs that came in with fleas was fairy liquid. Not sure if she meant any washing up liquid, but swore by it. i think its more of a remedy, than a precautionary method.

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I use diatomacious earth (food grade) in their bedding. It's like billions of little razor blades to any insect. It gets in the joints of their skelton and cuts them while absorbing the water from their bodies...dead! No chemicals. Just throw a handfull in their bedding. No fleas, ticks, mites, nothing. It's actually good for you to put a teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it too. There is some info about this stuff on the internet if your curious. I order mine on the internet for around $50 for a five gallon bucket. It looks like flour. I don't know what that converts to in pounds though. I'll never go back to the other stuff. I also am keeping around 20 dogs at a time and it's much more economical to boot.

Edited by Dan McDonough
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