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Decisions, decisions

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Right then chaps I have made my mind up already but would like some opinions from you lot, I have a lurcher bitch about 3 and half years old, she has just come into season but this is only her second season and I dont know if and when she will come in again, I would like a pup out of her but not yet so do I take a chance and wait, the things to consider are A. will she have another season. B. will she make it to her next season because in the winter months she will be out at least three times a week and she is a do or die merchant takes anything with fur on, and as a consequence can and has got in some pickles. C. another important factor what dog would you put over her.

post-26754-0-29514300-1337609342.jpg She's 21.5"" tts. as said I've alredy made my mind up but lets hear your thoughts

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When you say she might get another season is that as in you expect a fatality this year? IMO that is a shite attitude to have, everybody takes a chance when working there dogs knowing the next run may be their last. Hold back another 2 seasons if she's still there and doing what's asked consider it, if not buy a pup in. :thumbs:

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Surely if you want a pup out of her you should know what type you want to put over her


I'd rather buy a pup in than worry about breeding rearing and homing a litter

And if I was to breed I certainly wouldn't care what other people thought as they wouldn't be getting a pup only I would as I'd cull the surplus

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Surely if you want a pup out of her you should know what type you want to put over her


I'd rather buy a pup in than worry about breeding rearing and homing a litter

And if I was to breed I certainly wouldn't care what other people thought as they wouldn't be getting a pup only I would as I'd cull the surplus

yeh alot eaiser to bring a pup in, and say in 3 years time (maybe) breed from her then. You will really know how good she is then, and she will be coming 7 years old, but you could end up with 3 dogs.? alot to think about.!

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As said in original post I have already made my mind up and im not going to breed her this time, got enough dogs as it is, in a few years time if I need a pup I might consider it

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